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classed beneath the astral powers [superhuman astral Spirits]. Perpetually they<br />

change, not always identically, but revolving in circles.* They permeate by the<br />

body two parts of the soul, that it may receive from each the impress of his own<br />

energy. But the reasonable part of the soul is not subject to the Genii; it is<br />

designed for the reception of [the] God,t who enlightens it with a sunny ray.<br />

Those who are thus illumined are few in number, and from them the Genii abstain<br />

for neither Genii nor Gods have any power in the presence of a single ray of God. J<br />

But all other men, both soul and body, are directed by Genii, to whom they cleave,<br />

and whose operations they aflfect<br />

The Genii have then the control<br />

of mundane things and our bodies serve them as instruments. §<br />

The above, save a few sectarian points, represents that which was a<br />

universal belief, common to all nations, till about a century or so back.<br />

It is still as orthodox in its broad outlines and features among Pagans<br />

and Christians alike, if one excepts a handful of Materialists and men<br />

of Science.<br />

For whether one calls the Genii of Hermes and his "Gods," "Powers<br />

of Darkness" and "Angels," as in the Greek and I,atin Churches; or<br />

"Spirits of the Dead," as in Spiritualism; or, again, Bhuts and Devas,<br />

Shaitan or Djin, as<br />

they are still called in India and Mussulman countries<br />

they are all one and the same thing—Ihi^vsiQ-N. I^et not this,<br />

however, be misunderstood in the sense into which the great philosophical<br />

doctrine of the Vedantists has been lately perverted by<br />

Western schools.<br />

All that which is, emanates from the Absolute, which, by reason of<br />

this qualification alone, stands as the One and Only Reality—hence,<br />

everything extraneous to this Absolute, the generative and causative<br />

Element, mtcst be an Illusion, most undeniably. But this is only so<br />

from the purely metaphysical view. A man who regards himself as<br />

mentally sane, and is so regarded by his neighbours, calls the visions<br />

of an insane brother—hallucinations which make the victim either<br />

happy or siipremely wretched, as the case may be—likewise illusions and<br />

fancies. But, where is that madman for whom the hideous shadows<br />

in his deranged mind, his illusio7is, are not, for the time being, as<br />

actual and as real as the things which his physician or keeper may see<br />

* Cyclic progress in development.<br />

t The God in man and often the incarnation of a God, a highly Spiritual Dhyan Chohan in him,<br />

besides the presence of his own Seventh Principle.<br />

J Now, what "God" is meant here Not God the "Father," the anthropomorphic fiction; for that<br />

God is the Elohim collectively, and has no being apart from the Host. Besides, such a God is finite<br />

and imperfect. It is the high Initiates and Adepts who are meant here by the "few in number."<br />

And it is precisely such men who believe in "Gods", and know no "God" but one Universal<br />

unrelated and unconditioned Deity.<br />

} The Virgin of the IVorid, pp. 104-5, "The Definitions of Asclepios."

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