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(ii)<br />

abstraction.<br />

That it augments the volume of bodies, which are again reduced in size by its<br />

(iii) That it modifies the forms, properties, and conditions of all other bodies.<br />

(iv) That it passes by radiation through the most perfect vacuum* that can be<br />

formed, in which it produces the same effects on the thermometer as in the atmosphere.<br />

(v) That it exerts mechanical and chemical forces which nothing can restrain, as<br />

in volcanoes, the explosion of gunpowder, and other fulminating compounds.<br />

(vi) That it operates in a sensible manner on the nervous system, producing<br />

intense pain ; and when in excess, disorganization of the tissues.<br />

As against the vibratory theory, Metcalfe further argues that if caloric were a<br />

mere property or quality, it could not augment the volume of other bodies; for this<br />

purpose it must itself have volume, it must occupy space, and it must, therefore, be<br />

a material agent. If caloric were only the effect of vibratory tnotion amongst the<br />

particles of ponderable matter, it could not radiate from hot bodies without the<br />

simultaneous transition of the vibrating particles;<br />

but the fact stands out that heat<br />

can radiate from material ponderable substance without loss of weight of such substance.<br />

. . . With this view as to the material nature of caloric or sun-force;<br />

with the impression firmly fixed on his mind that "everything in Nature is composed<br />

of two descriptions of matter, the one essentially active and ethereal, the<br />

other passive and motionless," t Metcalfe based the hypothesis that the sunforce,<br />

or caloric, is a self-active principle. For its own particles, he holds, it has<br />

repulsion; for the particles of all ponderable matter it has affinity; it attracts the<br />

particles of ponderable matter with forces which vary inversely as the squares of<br />

the distance. It thus acts through ponderable matter. If universal space were<br />

filled with caloric, sun-force, alone (without ponderable matter), caloric would also<br />

be inactive and would constitute a boundless ocean of powerless or quiescent<br />

ether, becatise it would then have nothing on which to act, while ponderable<br />

matter, however inactive of itself, has "certain properties by which it modifies and<br />

controls the actions of caloric, both of which are governed by immutable laws that<br />

have their origin in the mutual relations and specific properties of each."<br />

And he lays down a law which he believes is absolute, and which is thus expressed<br />

:<br />

"By the attraction of caloric for ponderable matter, it unites and holds together<br />

all things; by its self-repulsive energy it separates and expands all things."<br />

This, of course, is almost the Occult explanation of cohesion. Dr.<br />

Richardson continues:<br />

As I have alreadj' said, the tendency of modern teaching is to rest upon the hypothesis<br />

* What need, then, of etheric waves for the transmission of light, heat, etc., M this substance can<br />

pass through vacuum.<br />

t And hov can it be otherwise Gross ponderable matter is the body, the shell, of Matter or Substance,<br />

the female passive principle; and this Fohatic Force is the second principle, Prana—the male<br />

and the active. On our globe this Substance is the second principle of the septenary Element<br />

Earth ; in the atmosphere, it is that of Air, which is the cosmic gross bod}- ; in the Sun it becomes<br />

the Solar Body and that of the Seven Rays: in Sidereal Space it corresponds vrith another principle,<br />

and so on. The whole is a homogeneous Unity alone, the parts are all differentiations.

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