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tialities in it. Then awake anew the Brahmas and Buddhas—the coeternal<br />

Forces—and a new Universe springs into being.<br />

In the Sepher Vetzirah, the Kabalistic Book of Creation,<br />

the author<br />

has evidently repeated the words of Manu. In it, the Divine Substance<br />

is represented as having alone existed from the eternity, boundless<br />

and absolute; and as having emitted from itself the Spirit.* "One<br />

is<br />

the Spirit of the living God, blessed be Its name, which liveth for<br />

ever! Voice, Spirit, and Word, this is the Holy Spirit."t And this is<br />

the Kabalistic abstract Trinity, so unceremoniously anthropomorphized<br />

by the Christian Fathers. From this triple One emanated the whole<br />

Kosmos. First from One emanated number Two, or Air (the Father),<br />

the creative Element; and then number Three, Water (the Mother),<br />

proceeded from Air; Ether or Fire completes the Mystic Four, the<br />

Arbo-al.:j: "When the Concealed of the Concealed w^anted to reveal<br />

Himself, he first made a Point [the Primordial Point, or the first<br />

Sephira, Air, or Holy Ghost,] shaped into a sacred Form, [the Ten<br />

Sephiroth, or the Heavenly Man,] and covered it with a rich and<br />

splendid Garment, that is the \Vorldr%<br />

"He maketh the Wind His messengers, flaming Fire His servants ";||<br />

says the Yetzirah, showing the cosmical character of the later euhemerized<br />

Elements, and that Spirit permeates everj^ atom in Kosmos.<br />

Paul calls the invisible Cosmic Beings the "Elements." But now<br />

the Elements are degraded into, and limited to, atoms of which nothing<br />

is known so far, and which are only "children of necessity," as is Ether<br />

also. As we said in his Unveiled:<br />

The poor primordial Elements have long been exiled, and our ambitious Physicists<br />

run races, to determine who shall add one more to the fledgling brood of the<br />

sixty and odd elementary substances.<br />

Meanwhile there rages a war in modern Chemistry about terms.<br />

are denied the right to call these substances "chemical element's," for<br />

these are not "primordial principles of self-existing essences, out of<br />

which the universe was fashioned," according to Plato. Such ideas<br />

associated with the word "element" were good enough for the old<br />

Greek Philosophy, but Modern Science rejects them; for, as Mr.<br />

» The manifested Spirit: Absolute, Divine Spirit is one with absolute Divine Substance; Parabrahman<br />

and Mulaprakriti are one in essence.<br />

their primal character, are one also.<br />

+ Sepher Yetzirah, Chap. I. Mishna ix.<br />

t Ihid. It is from " Arba" that Abram is derived.<br />

} Zohar, 1. 2 a.<br />

II<br />

Sepher Vetzirah, Mishna ix. 10.<br />

We<br />

Therefore, Cosmic Ideation and Cosmic Substance, in

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