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5o6<br />


denounced as the "soul of lightning," its Daemon;* we have either<br />

to apply the same explanation and definitions to the "lyord God<br />

of Israel," under the same circumstances, or renounce our right of<br />

abusing the Gods and creeds of other nations.<br />

The foregoing statements, emanating as they do from two ardent and<br />

learned Roman Catholics, are, to say the least, dangero7is, in the presence<br />

of the Bible and its prophets. Indeed, if Jupiter, the "chief<br />

Daemon of the Pagan Greeks," hurled his deadly thunder-bolts and<br />

lightnings at those who excited his wrath, so did the lyord God of<br />

Abraham and Jacob. For we read that:<br />

The Lord thundered from heaven, and the most High uttered his voice.<br />

sent out arrows [thunder-bolts] and scattered them [Saul's armies];<br />

discomfited them.t<br />

And he<br />

lightning, and<br />

The Athenians are accused of having sacrificed to Boreas; and this<br />

"Daemon" is charged with having submerged and wrecked 400 ships of<br />

the Persian fleet on the rocks of Mount Pelion, and of having become<br />

so furious that all the Magi of Xerxes could hardl)^ counteract him by<br />

offering contra-sacrifices to Thetis.:): Very fortunately, no authenticated<br />

instance is on the records of Christian wars, showing a like<br />

catastrophe on the same scale happening to one Christian fleet, owing<br />

to the "prayers" of its enemy—another Christian nation. But this is<br />

from no fault of theirs,<br />

for each prays as ardently to Jehovah for the<br />

destruction of the other, as the Athenians prayed to Boreas. Both<br />

resorted to a neat little piece of black magic con amove. Such abstinence<br />

from divine interference being hardly due to<br />

lack of prayers,<br />

sent to a com7no7i Almighty God for mutual destruction, where, then,<br />

shall we draw the line between Pagan and Christian <br />

And who can<br />

doubt that all Protestant England would rejoice and offer thanks to<br />

the Lord, if during some future war, 400 ships of the hostile fleet were<br />

to be wrecked owing to such holy prayers What is, then, the difference,<br />

we ask again, between a Jupiter, a Boreas, and a Jehovah No<br />

more than this: The crime of one's own next-of-kin, say of one's<br />

father, is<br />

always excused and often exalted, whereas the crime of our<br />

neighbour's parent is ever gladly punished by hanging.<br />

Yet the crime<br />

is the same.<br />

So far the "blessings of Christianity" do not seem to have made any<br />

appreciable advance on the morals of the converted Pagans.<br />

The above is not a defence of Pagan Gods, nor is it an attack on the<br />

* op. ctl., III. 415. + II Sam., xxii. 14, 15. t Herodotus, Polymnia, 190, 191.

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