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1<br />


often no higher than the victims of deceivers and impostors! However<br />

var>-ing in their external presentations and dogmas, beliefs in the<br />

Hosts of invisible Intelligences of various grades have all the same<br />

foundation. Truth and error are mixed in all. The exact extent,<br />

depth, breadth, and length of the mysteries of Nature are to be found<br />

only in Eastern Esoteric Science. So vast and so profound are these<br />

that scarcely even a few, a ver\^ few of the highest Initiates—those<br />

whose very existence is known but to a small mimber of Adepts—are<br />

capable of assimilating the knowledge. Yet it is all there, and one<br />

by one facts and processes in Nature's vvorkshops are permitted to find<br />

their way into exact Science, while mysterioun help is given to rare<br />

individuals in unravelling its arcana.<br />

in connection with racial<br />

It is at the close of great Cycles,<br />

development, that such events generally take<br />

place. We are at the very close of the cycle of 5,000 years of the<br />

present Ar>-an Kali Yuga; and between this time and 1S97 there will<br />

be a large rent made in the Veil of Nature, and materialistic Science<br />

will receive a death-blow.<br />

Without throwing any discredit upon time-honoured beliefs, in any<br />

direction, we are forced to draw a marked line between blind faith,<br />

evolved by theologies, and knowledge due to the independent researches<br />

of long generations of Adepts ; between, in short, faith and Philosophy.<br />

There have been, in all ages, undeniably learned and good men who,<br />

having been reared in sectarian beliefs, died in their crystallized convictions.<br />

For Protestants, the garden of Eden is the primeval point of<br />

departure in the drama of Humanity, and the solemn tragedy on the<br />

summit of Calvary is the prelude to the hoped-for Millennium. For<br />

Roman Catholics, Satan is at the foundation of Kosmos, Christ in its<br />

centre, and Antichrist at its apex. For both, the Hierarchy of Being<br />

begins and ends within the narrow frames of their respective theologies;<br />

one self-created personal God, and an empyrean ringing with the<br />

Hallelujas of created Angels; the rest, false Gods, Satan and fiends.<br />

Theo-Philosophy proceeds on broader lines. From the very beginning<br />

of aeons—in time and space in our Round and Globe—the<br />

mysteries of Nature (at any rate,<br />

those which it is lawful for our Races<br />

to know) were recorded by the pupils of those same, now invisible,<br />

"Heavenly Men," in geometrical figures and symbols. The keys<br />

thereto passed from one generation of "Wise Men" to another. Some<br />

of the symbols thus passed from the East to the West, brought from<br />

the Orient by Pythagoras, who was not the inventor of his famous

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