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The Protestants try to show that the allegory of the Brazen Serpent<br />

and of the Fiery Serpents has a direct reference to the mystery of<br />

the Christ and the Crucifixion, whereas, in truth, it has a far nearer<br />

relation to the mystery of generation, when dissociated from the<br />

^ZZ with the Central Germ, or the Circle with its Central Point.<br />

Protestant Theologians would have us believe their interpretation<br />

ofily because the Brazen Serpent was lifted on a pole! Whereas it<br />

had rather a reference to the Egyptian Egg standing upright supported<br />

by the sacred Tau; since the Egg and the Serpent are inseparable<br />

in the old worship and symbology of Eg>^pt,<br />

and since both<br />

the Brazen and Fiery Serpents were Seraphs, the burning "Fiery"<br />

Messengers, or the Serpent Gods, the Nagas of India. Without the<br />

Egg it was a purely phallic symbol, but when associated therewith,<br />

it related to cosmic creation. The Brazen Serpent had no such<br />

holy meaning as the Protestants would ascribe to it; nor was it, in<br />

fact, glorified above the Fiery Serpents, for the bite of which it was only<br />

a natural remedy ; the symbological meaning of the word "Brazen"<br />

being the feminine principle, and that of "Fiery," or "Gold," the<br />

masculine principle.<br />

Brass was a metal symbolizing the nether world .... that of the womb<br />

where life should be given. . . . The word for serpent in Hebrew was Nachash,<br />

but this is also the term for brass.<br />

It is said in Numbers that the Jews complained of the Wilderness<br />

where there was no water,^ after which "the Lord sent fiery serpents" to<br />

bite them, and then, to oblige Moses, he gave him as a remedy the<br />

Brazen Serpent on a pole for them to look at; after which "any man<br />

when he beheld the serpent of brass . . . lived" (). After that the<br />

"Eord," gathering the people together at the well of Beer, gave them<br />

water, and grateful Israel sang this song, "Spring up, O well." When,<br />

after studying symbology, the Christian reader comes to understand<br />

the innermost meaning of these three symbols. Water, Brazen, and<br />

Serpent, and a few more, in the sense given to them in the Holy Bible, he<br />

will hardly like to connect the sacred name of his Saviour with the<br />

Brazen Serpent incident. The Seraphim (D'^DHtU) or Fiery Winged<br />

Serpents, are no doubt connected with, and inseparable from, the idea<br />

of the "Serpent of Eternity—God," as explained in Kenealy's Apocalypse;<br />

but the word Cherub also meant Serpent, in one sense, though<br />

its direct meaning is different, for the Cherubim and the Persian<br />

* xxi. 5 et seq.

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