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when<br />

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No, the three are one.<br />

That which ever is is one, that which ever was is one,<br />

that which is ever being and becoming is also 07ie : and this is Space.<br />

Explain, O Lanoo \disciple\— The One is an unbroke7i Circle \_Ring']<br />

with no circumference, for it is nowhere and everywhere ; the O^ie is the<br />

bou7idless Plane of the Circle, manifesting a Diameter only during the<br />

manvantafdc periods ; the One is the indivisible Point found nowhere,<br />

perceived everywhere during those periods ; it is the Vertical aiid the Horizontal,<br />

the Father and the Mother, the szmimit and base of the Father, the<br />

two extremities of the Mother, reaching in reality nowhere, for the One is<br />

the Ring as also the Rings that are within that Ring. Light hi Darkness<br />

and Darkness in Light: the ''Breath which is eternal!' It proceeds fvm<br />

without inwardly, when it is everywhere, andfrom within outwardly, when<br />

it is nowhere— (i.e., Mdyd,^ one of the Centres). \ It expands and coitracts<br />

\exhalatio7i and hihalatio7i\. When it expa7ids, the Mother diffuses a7id<br />

scatters ; when it C07itracts, the Mother draws back and i7igathers. This<br />

produces the periods ofEvolution a7id Dissolutio7i, Ma7iva7itara a7id Pralaya.<br />

The Germ, is invisible a7idfiery ; the Root \the Plane of the Circle'] is cool<br />

but duri7ig Evolution a7id Ma7ivanta7'a her garme7tt is cold a7id 7'adiant.<br />

Hot Breath is the Father who devours the proge7iy of the ma7iy-faced Ele77ie7it<br />

[^heterogeneous'], a7id leaves the single-faced ones \l107noge71eous]. Cool<br />

Breath is the Mother, who co7iceives, for77is, bri7igs fo7'th, a7id receives the7n<br />

back into her bosom, to ref 07^771<br />

them at the Dawn [of the Day of B7'aht7id, or<br />

Ma7iva7itara].<br />

For clearer understanding on the part of the general reader, it must<br />

be stated that Occult Science recognizes seve7i Cosmic Elements—four<br />

entirely physical, and the fifth (Ether) semi-material, which will become<br />

visible in the Air towards the end of our Fourth Round, to reign<br />

supreme over the others during the whole of the Fifth. The remaining<br />

two are as yet absolutely beyond the range of human perception.<br />

They<br />

* Esoteric Philosophy, regarding every finite thing as Maya (or the illusion of ignorance), must<br />

necessarily view in the same light every intra-cosmic planet and body, seeing that it is something<br />

organized, hence finite. The sentence, therefore, "it proceeds from without inwardly, etc.", in its<br />

first clause, refers to the dawn of the Mahamanvantara, or the great reevolution after one of the<br />

complete periodical dissolutions of every compound form in Nature, from planet to molecule, into its<br />

ultimate essence or element ; and in its second clause, to the partial or local Manvantara, which may<br />

be a solar or even a planetary one.<br />

i- By Centre, a centre of energy or a cosmic focus is meant ; the so-called " creation," or<br />

formation, of a planet, is accomplished by that force which is designated by Occultists Life and by<br />

Science Energy, then the process takes place from within outwardly, every atom being said to contain<br />

in itself the creative energy of the divine Breath. And, whereas after an Absolute Pralaya, when the<br />

preexisting material consists but of One Element, and Breath "is ever3rwhere," the latter acts from<br />

without inwardly : after a Minor Pralaya, when everj'thing having remained in statu quo—in a refrigerated<br />

state, so to say, like the moon—then at the first flutter of Manvantara, the planet or<br />

planets begin their resurrection to life from within outwardly.

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