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Forces—Modes of Motion or Intelligences<br />

This is, then, the last word of Physical Science up to the present<br />

year, 1888. Mechanical laws will never be able to prove the homogeneity<br />

of Primeval Matter, except inferentially and as a desperate<br />

necessity, when there will remain no other issue—as in the case of<br />

Ether. Modern Science is secure only in its own domain and region<br />

within the physical boundaries of our Solar System, beyond which<br />

everything, every particle of Matter, is different from the Matter it<br />

knows, and where Matter exists in states of which Science can form<br />

no idea. This Matter, which is truly homogeneous, is beyond human<br />

perception, if perception is tied down merely to the five senses. We<br />

feel its effects through those Intelligences which are the results of<br />

its primeval differentiation, whom we name Dhyan Chohans, called in<br />

the Hermetic works the "Seven Governors"; those to whom Pymander,<br />

the "Thought Divine," refers as the "Building Powers," and whom<br />

Asklepios calls the "Supernal Gods." This Matter—the real Primordial<br />

Substance, the Noumenon of all the "matter" we know of—some<br />

of our Astronomers even have been led to believe in, for they despair<br />

of the possibility of ever accounting for<br />

rotation, gravitation, and the<br />

origin of any mechanical physical laws, unless these Intelligences<br />

be admitted by Science. In the above-quoted work upon Astronomy<br />

by Wolf,* the author endorses fully the theory of Kant, and the latter<br />

theory, if not in its general aspect, at any rate in some of its features,<br />

reminds one strongly of certain Ksoteric Teachings. Here we have<br />

the world's system "reborn from its ashes," through a nebula—the<br />

emanation from the bodies, dead and dissolved in Space, resultant of<br />

the i7icandescerice<br />

matter of the Planets.<br />

of the Solar Centre—reanimated by the combustible<br />

In this theory, generated and developed in the<br />

* Hypothhes Cosmogoniques.

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