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66o<br />


on Mars are more ethereal than we are, while those on Venus are more<br />

gross, though far more intelligent, if less spiritual.<br />

The last doctrine is not quite ours—yet these Kantian theories are as<br />

metaphysical, and as transcendental as any Occult Doctrines; and<br />

more than one man of Science would, if he but dared speak his mind,<br />

accept them as Wolf does. From this Kantian Mind and Soul of the<br />

Suns and Stars to the Mahat (Mind) and Prakriti of the Puraiias there<br />

is but a step. After all, the admission of this by Science would be<br />

only the admission of a natural cause, whether it would or would not<br />

stretch its belief to such metaphysical heights. But then Mahat, the<br />

Mind, is a "God," and Physiology admits "mind" only as a temporary<br />

function of the material brain, and no more.<br />

The Satan of Materialism now laughs at all alike, and denies the<br />

visible as well as the invisible. Seeing in light, heat, electricity, and<br />

even in tht phenomenon of life, only properties inherent in Matter, it<br />

laughs whenever life is called the<br />

Vital Principle, and derides the idea<br />

of its being independent of and distinct from the organism.<br />

But here again scientific opinions differ as in everything else, and<br />

there are several men of Science who accept views very similar to ours.<br />

Consider, for instance, what Dr. Richardson, F.R.S. (elsewhere quoted<br />

at length) sa3^s of that "Vital Principle," which he calls "Nervous<br />

Ether":<br />

I speak only of a veritable material agent, refined, it may be, to the world at<br />

large, but actual and substantial : an agent having quality of weight and of volume,<br />

an agent susceptible of chemical combination, and thereby of change of physical<br />

state and condition, an agent passive in its action, moved alwaj^s, that is to say, by<br />

influences apart from itself,* obeying other influences, an agent possessing no<br />

initiative power, no vis or energeia naturce,\ but still playing a most important, if<br />

not a primary part in the production of the phenomena resulting from the action<br />

of the energeia upon visible matter. |<br />

As Biology and Physiology now den3% in toto, the existence of a<br />

Vital Principle, this extract, together with De Quatrefages' admission,<br />

is a clear confirmation that there are men of Science who take the same<br />

views about "things Occult" as do Theosophists and Occultists. These<br />

recognize a distinct Vital Principle independent of the organism<br />

• This is a mistake, which implies a material agent, distinct from the influences which move it,<br />

i.e., blind matter and perhaps "God" again, whereas this One Life is the very God and Gods<br />

"Itself"<br />

+ The same error.<br />

X Popular Science Review, Vol. X.

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