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^ . . . that heat is motion, or, as it would, perhaps, be better stated, a specific<br />

force or form of motion.*<br />

But this hypothesis, popular as it is, is not one that ought to be accepted to the<br />

exclusion of the simpler views of the material nature of sun-force, and of its<br />

influence in modifj'iug the conditions of matter. We do not yet knoiv sujfficietit to be<br />

dogmatic.<br />

The hypothesis of Metcalfe respecting sun-force and earth-force is not only verjsimple,<br />

but most fascinating. . . . Here are two elements in the universe, the<br />

one is ponderable matter . . . The second element is the all-pervading ether,<br />

solar fire. It is without weight, substance, form, or colour; it is matter infinitely<br />

divisible, and its particles repel each other; its rarity is such that we have no word,<br />

except ether, J by which to express it. It pervades and fills space, but alone it too<br />

is quiescent—dead.§ We bring together the two elements, the inert matter, the<br />

self- repulsive ether [.'J<br />

and thereupon dead [.] ponderable matter is vivified; [Ponderable<br />

matter may be inert but never dead— this is Occult Law."] .... through<br />

the particles of the ponderable substance the ether [Ether's second principle'] penetrates,<br />

and, so penetrating, it combines with the ponderable particles and holds<br />

them in mass, holds them together in bond of union; they are dissolved in the<br />

ether.<br />

This distribution of solid ponderable matter through ether extends, according to<br />

the theorj' before us, to everything that exists at this moment. The ether is allpervading.<br />

The human body itself is charged with the ether [Astral Light rather];<br />

its minute particles are held together by it; the plant is in the same condition; the<br />

most solid earth, rock, adamant, crystal, metal, all are the same.<br />

But there are differences<br />

in the capacities of different kinds of ponderable matter to receive sun-force,<br />

and upon this depends the various changing conditions of matter ; the solid, the<br />

liquid, the gaseous condition. Solid bodies have attracted caloric in excess over<br />

fluid bodies, and hence their firm cohesion; when a portion of molten zinc is poured<br />

upon a plate of solid zinc, the molten zinc becomes as solid because there is a rush<br />

of caloric from the liquid to the solid, and in the equalization the particles, previously<br />

loose or liquid, are more closely brought together. . . . Metcalfe himself,<br />

dwelling on the above-named phenomena, and accounting for them by the unity of<br />

principle of action, which has already been explained, sums up his argument in<br />

very clear terms, in a comment on the densities of various bodies.<br />

"Hardness and<br />

softness," he says, "solidity and liquidity, are not essential conditions of bodies,<br />

* Or the reverberation, and for Sound repercussion, on our plane of that which is a perpetual<br />

motion of that Substance on higher planes. Our world and senses are ceaselessly victims of Maya.<br />

t An honest admission, this.<br />

J Yet it is not Ether, but only one of the principles of F,ther, the latter being itself one of the<br />

principles of Akasha.<br />

} And so does Prana (Jiva) pervade the whole living body of man; but alone, without having an<br />

atom to act upon, it would be quiescent—dead; /.^., would be in Laya, or, as Mr. Crookes has it,<br />

"locked in Protyle." It is the action of Fohat upon a compound or even upon a simple, body that<br />

produces life. When a body dies, it passes into the same polarity as its male energy, and repels<br />

therefore the active agent, which, losing hold of the whole, fastens on the parts or molecules, this<br />

action being called chemical. Vishnu, the Preserver, transforms himself into Rudra-Shiva, the Destroyer—a<br />

correlation seemingly unknown to Science.

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