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by the primitive Sages. We find the same groundwork in several personifications<br />

in the Puranas, only far more ample and philosophically<br />

suggestive.<br />

Thus Pulastya, a "Son of God," one of the first progeny, is made the<br />

progenitor of Demons, the Rakshasas, the tempters and the devourers<br />

of men. Pishacha, a female Demon, is a daughter of Daksha, a "Son<br />

of God" too, and a God, and the mother of all the Pishachas.-'^ The<br />

Demons, so-called in the Purdnas, are very extraordinary Devils when<br />

judged from the standpoint of European and orthodox views, since<br />

all of them, Danavas, Daityas, Pishachas, and Rakshasas, are represented<br />

as extremely pious, following the precepts of the Vcdas, some of<br />

them even being great Yogins. But they oppose the clergy and ritualism,<br />

sacrifices and forms, just as the head Yogins do to this day in<br />

India, and are no less respected for it, though they are permitted to<br />

follow neither caste nor ritual; hence all those Puranic Giants and<br />

Titans are called Devils. The missionaries, ever on the watch to show,<br />

if they can, that the Hindu traditions are nothing better than a reflection<br />

of the Jewish Bible, have evolved a whole romance on the alleged<br />

identity of Pulastya with Cain, and of the Rakshasas with the Cainites,<br />

the "Accursed," the cause of the "Noachian" Deluge. (See the work<br />

of Abbe Gorresio, who "etymologizes" Pulastya's name as meaning<br />

the " rejected," hence Cain, if you please). Pulastya dwells in Kedara,<br />

he says, which means a "dug-up place," a "mine," and Cain is shown,<br />

in tradition and the Bible, as the first worker in metals and a miner<br />

thereof!<br />

While it is very probable that the Gibborim, or Giants, of the Bible<br />

are the Rakshasas of the Hindus, it is still more certain that both are<br />

Atlanteans, and belong to the submerged races. However it may be,<br />

no Satan could be more persistent in slandering his enemy, or more<br />

spiteful in his hatred, than the Christian Theologians are in cursing<br />

him as the father of every evil. Compare their vituperation and their<br />

opinions about the Devil with the philosophical views of the Puranic<br />

Sages and their Christ-like mansuetude. When Parashara, whose<br />

father was devoured by a Rakshasa, was preparing himself to destroy,<br />

by magic arts, the whole race, his grandsire, Vasishtha, after showing<br />

the irate Sage, on his own confession, that there is Evil and Karma,<br />

but no "evil Spirits," speaks the following suggestive words:<br />

Let thy wrath be appeased : the Rakshasas are not culpable ; thy father's death<br />

• Padma Pur&na.

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