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aspect] of Parabrahman. . . When once it starts into existence as a conscious<br />

being, .... from its objective standpoint, Parabrahman appears to it as<br />

Mulaprakriti. Please bear this in mind ... for here is the root of the whole<br />

difficulty about Purusha and Prakriti felt by the various writers on Vedantic philosophy.<br />

. . . This Mulaprakriti is material to it [the Logos], as any material<br />

object is material to us. This Mulaprakriti is no more Parabrahman than the<br />

bundle of attributes of a pillar is the pillar itself;<br />

Parabrahman is an unconditioned<br />

and absolute reality, and Mulaprakriti is a sort of veil thrown over it. Parabrahman<br />

by itself cannot be seen as it is. It is seen by the Logos with a veil thrown<br />

over it, and that veil is the mighty expanse of Cosmic Matter. . , . Parabrahman,<br />

after having appeared on the one hand as the Ego, and on the other as Mulaprakriti,<br />

acts as the one energy through the Logos.*<br />

And the lecturer explains what he means by this acting of Something<br />

which is Nothing, though it is the All, by a fine simile. He<br />

compares the Logos to the Sun through which light and heat radiate,<br />

but whose energy, light and heat, exist in some unknown condition in<br />

Space and are diffused in Space only as visible light and heat, the Sun<br />

being only the agent thereof. This is the first triadic hypostasis. The<br />

quaternary is made up by the energizing light shed by the Logos.<br />

The Hebrew Kabalists stated it in a manner which is esoterically<br />

identical with the Vedantic. Ain Suph, they taught, could not be comprehended,<br />

could not be located, nor named, though the Causeless<br />

Cause of all. Hence its name, Ain Suph, is a term of negation, "the<br />

Inscrutable, the Incognizable, and the Unnameable." They made of<br />

it, therefore, a Boundless Circle, a Sphere, of which human intellect,<br />

with the utmost stretch, could only perceive the vault. In the words<br />

of one who has unriddled much in the Kabalistical system most<br />

thoroughly, in one of its meanings, in its numerical and geometrical<br />

esotericism<br />

Close your eyes, and from your own consciousness of perception try and think<br />

outward to the extremest limits in every direction. You will find that equal lines<br />

or rays of perception extend out evenly in all directions, so that the utmost effort of<br />

perception will terminate in the vault of a sphere. The limitation of this sphere<br />

will, of necessity, be a great Circle, and the direct rays of thought in any and every<br />

direction must be right line radii of the circle. This, then, must be, humanly<br />

speaking, the extremest all-embracing conception of the Ain Suph manifest, which<br />

formulates itself as a geometrical figure, viz., of a circle, with its elements of curved<br />

circumference and right line diameter divided into radii. Hence, a geometrical<br />

shape is the first recognizable means of connection between the Ain Suph and the<br />

intelligence of man.t<br />

* Ibid., p. 304. t The Masonic Review, June, 1886.

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