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Born in the unfathotnable depths of Space, out of the homogeneous<br />

Element called the World- Soul, every nucleus of cosmic matter, suddenly<br />

lau7iched into being, begins life U7ider the most hostile circumstances.<br />

Through a series of countless ages, it has to conquer for itself a place iji<br />

the i7ifinitudes. It circles round and round, betweeyi denser and already<br />

fixed bodies, moviiig by jerks, and pulling towards some given point or<br />

centre that attracts it, and, like as a ship drawn into a channel dotted<br />

with reefs a7id sunken rocks, trying to avoid other bodies that draw and<br />

repel it in turn.<br />

Maiy perish, their mass disintegratijig through stronger<br />

masses, and, when born within a system, chiefly within the insatiable<br />

stomachs of various Suns. Those which move slower, and are propelled<br />

into an elliptic cozirse, are doomed to annihilation sooner or later. Others,<br />

viovifig in parabolic ciirves, generally escape destruction, owiig to their<br />

velocity.<br />

Some very critical readers will perhaps imagine that this teaching,<br />

as to the cometar>- stage passed through by all heavenly bodies, is in<br />

contradiction with the statements just made as to the Moon being the<br />

mother of the Earth. They will perhaps fancy that intuition is needed<br />

to harmonize the two. But no intuition is in truth required. What<br />

does Science know of comets, their genesis, growth, and ultimate<br />

behaviour Nothing—absolutely nothing! And what is there so<br />

impossible in that a laya-centre—a lump of cosmic protoplasm, homogeneous<br />

and latent—when suddenly animated or fired<br />

up, should rush<br />

from its bed in space, and whirl throughout the abysmal depths, in<br />

order to strengthen its homogeneous organism by an accumulation and<br />

addition of differentiated elements And why should not such a comet<br />

settle in life, live, and become an inhabited globe<br />

" The abodes of Fohat are many''—it is said. '' He places his Four Fiery<br />

[electro-positive] Sons in the Four Circles";<br />

these Circles are the equator,<br />

the ecliptic, and the two parallels of declination, or the tropics, to<br />

preside over the climates of which are placed the Four Mystical<br />

Entities. Then again: ''Other Seven [Sois'] are commissiotied to preside<br />

over the seven hot, and seven cold Lokas [the Hells of the orthodox<br />

Brdhmans] at the two ends of the Egg of Matter [our Earth ayid its<br />

polesy The seven Lokas are elsewhere also called the "Rings" and<br />

the "Circles." The Ancients made the polar circles seven instead of<br />

two, as do the Europeans ; for Mount Mem, which is the North Pole,<br />

is said to have seven gold and seven silver steps leading to it.<br />

The strange statements, in one of the Stanzas, that " The Songs of

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