2010-2014 Consolidated Plan - City of Champaign

2010-2014 Consolidated Plan - City of Champaign

2010-2014 Consolidated Plan - City of Champaign


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G. Other General Requirements – Claims for Relocation PaymentsThere are additional requirements under 49 CFR Part 24.403 governingreplacement housing payments, as follows:a. Comparable Replacement DwellingsTo the extent feasible, comparable replacement dwellings shall be selectedfrom the neighborhood in which the displacement dwelling was located or, ifthat is not possible, in nearby or similar neighborhoods where housing costsare generally the same or higher.b. Multiple Occupants <strong>of</strong> One Displacement DwellingIf two or more occupants <strong>of</strong> the displacement dwelling move to separatereplacement dwellings, each occupant is entitled to a reasonable proratedshare, as determined by the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Champaign</strong>, <strong>of</strong> any relocation paymentsthat would have been made if the occupants moved together to a comparablereplacement dwelling. However, if the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Champaign</strong> determines that twoor more occupants maintained separate households within the same dwelling,such occupants have separate entitlements to relocation payments.c. Deductions from Relocation PaymentsAn Agency shall deduct the amount <strong>of</strong> any advance relocation payment fromthe relocation payment(s) to which a displaced person is otherwise entitled.The Agency shall not withhold any part <strong>of</strong> a relocation payment to a displacedperson to satisfy an obligation to any other creditor.d. Inspection <strong>of</strong> Replacement DwellingBefore making a replacement housing payment or releasing the initial paymentfrom any escrow, the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Champaign</strong> or its designated representative shallinspect the replacement dwelling and determine whether it is a decent, safe,and sanitary dwelling, as defined at 49 CFR 24.2(a)(8). As a result <strong>of</strong> recentamendments to the Uniform Act, local housing standards and building codesare to be emphasized in making the determination under this part.e. Occupancy Requirements for Displacement or Replacement DwellingNo person shall be denied eligibility for a replacement housing payment solelybecause the person is unable to meet the occupancy requirements set forth inthese regulations for a reason beyond his or her control, including:(1) A disaster, an emergency, or an imminent threat to the publichealth or welfare, as determined by the President, the Federal Agency214 Appendix H

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