2010-2014 Consolidated Plan - City of Champaign

2010-2014 Consolidated Plan - City of Champaign

2010-2014 Consolidated Plan - City of Champaign


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Alley ConditionA majority <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong>’s alleys are located within older neighborhoods. The more recently constructedneighborhoods are typically designed without a need for alleys. The following is a summary from theAlley Master <strong>Plan</strong>, approved by <strong>City</strong> Council in CB 2005-090 and available athttp://archive.ci.champaign.il.us/archive/dsweb/Get/Document-2699/CB%202005-090.pdfo The <strong>City</strong> has approximately 15.47 miles <strong>of</strong> alleys.o Alley composition consists <strong>of</strong> 5.21 miles <strong>of</strong> paved surfaces (asphalt, concrete, and brick), 7.7miles <strong>of</strong> asphalt millings, 1.5 miles <strong>of</strong> aggregate, and 1.06 miles grass.o Approximately 67% <strong>of</strong> the alley surfaces (10.63 miles) have a condition rating <strong>of</strong> either averageor above average.o Annually, the alley inventory is updated to reflect changes in the alley condition rating, surfacetype, and ownership.o Approximately 0.104 miles <strong>of</strong> paved alleys are rehabilitated annually.o Asphalt Section patches potholes in paved alleys (5.21 miles) requiring 300 staff hours and 20 to25 tons <strong>of</strong> asphalt each fiscal year. This Section also blades and patches potholes in milling alleys(7.7 miles) requiring 300 staff hours and 300 tons <strong>of</strong> asphalt millings.o Annually, the Street Section blades rock alleys (1.5 miles) requiring 250 staff hours and 500 tons<strong>of</strong> rock. This Section also completes debris and vegetation clean-up in the alleys requiring 200staff hours.o Public Works' staff works with other <strong>City</strong> departments to vacate alleys that are no longer needed.o The alley rehabilitation program for paved surfaces has a backlog <strong>of</strong> 1.72 miles. Availableresources allow 0.104 miles to be rehabilitated annually. Estimated time to complete currentbacklog is 16.5 years.o Unpaved alleys (3.2 miles) in high-density residential or commercial areas need to be brought upto “permanent improvement” standards. Current <strong>City</strong> Policy requires “permanent improvements”to be constructed with a cost-share <strong>of</strong> 75% private and 25% public. To date, the cost-sharepolicy has encouraged very few alleys to be improved to “permanent improvement” standards.Pavement ConditionThe following summary is available in the Pavement Master <strong>Plan</strong>, approved by <strong>City</strong> Council in CB 2006-204 and available at http://archive.ci.champaign.il.us/archive/dsweb/Get/Document-4234/CB%202006-204.pdf and the <strong>Plan</strong> itself is attached to the Study Session report athttp://archive.ci.champaign.il.us/archive/dsweb/Get/Document-4162/SS%202006-050.pdfThe Pavement Master <strong>Plan</strong> provides a comprehensive look at the <strong>City</strong>’s pavement system. The masterplan summarizes information on the type, amount, and condition <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong>’s different pavements,current maintenance practices, annual contract street maintenance projects, and the criteria used indetermining work locations. The master plan also identifies areas that need improvement and providesrecommendations that will address those areas. The recommendations presented in the master planinclude:o Addressing inadequate arterial streets within the Transportation Master <strong>Plan</strong> since it is less apavement issue and more <strong>of</strong> a transportation planning issue.o Completing an analysis <strong>of</strong> engineering services separate from the Pavement Master <strong>Plan</strong>. A studywill be shared with Council later this year that will identify the optimal blend <strong>of</strong> engineering staffand consultants to provide design and construction engineering services for contract streetmaintenance projects.ooCreating and using a multi-year work plan generated by the pavement management system.Taking advantage <strong>of</strong> funding opportunities when they present themselves and applying the fundsto maintaining the pavement network.56 Needs Assessment: Non-Housing Community Development

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