Human Development Report 2013 - UNDP

Human Development Report 2013 - UNDP

Human Development Report 2013 - UNDP


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Table9Social integrationEMPLOYMENT, VULNERABILITY AND EQUITYEmploymentto populationratio(% ages 25and older)Youthunemployment(% ages15–24)ChildlabourOverall lossin <strong>Human</strong><strong>Development</strong>Index due toinequality(% ages5–14) (%)PERCEPTIONS OF INDIVIDUALWELL-BEING PERCEPTIONS OF SOCIETY HUMAN SAFETYOverall lifesatisfactionSatisfactionwithfreedom Satisfactionof choice with jobTrust inpeopleSatisfactionwithcommunity a(0, leastsatisfied,10, mostsatisfied) (% satisfied) (% answering “yes”)Trust innationalgovernmentPerception Homicideof safety rate(%answering“yes”)Suicide rate(per 100,000people)(per100,000people) Female MaleHDI rank 2011 2005–2011 b 2010 b 2012 2007–2011 b 2007–2011 b 2007–2011 b 2011 2007–2011 b 2007–2011 b 2007–2011 b 2011 b 2010 b 2010 b2001–2004– 2001– 2001–Very high human development1 Norway 65.9 9.3 .. 6.4 7.6 93.0 .. .. 92.8 54.0 81.0 0.6 6.5 17.32 Australia 62.4 11.9 .. 7.9 7.4 94.0 87.4 .. 91.9 53.0 64.0 1.0 3.6 12.83 United States 61.2 18.7 .. 12.4 7.1 85.0 87.4 37.0 83.8 38.0 75.0 4.2 4.5 17.74 Netherlands 61.5 7.8 .. 6.9 7.6 91.0 94.5 46.0 94.5 60.0 79.0 1.1 5.5 13.15 Germany 57.2 9.1 .. 6.9 6.7 89.0 89.0 31.0 93.9 43.0 78.0 0.8 6.0 17.96 New Zealand 66.2 18.2 .. .. 7.2 93.0 89.0 .. 88.1 64.0 67.0 0.9 5.5 18.17 Ireland 55.8 35.3 .. 7.2 7.0 95.0 89.1 30.0 93.6 53.0 70.0 1.2 4.7 19.07 Sweden 62.5 23.8 .. 6.2 7.5 93.0 91.8 55.0 92.5 64.0 78.0 1.0 6.8 18.79 Switzerland 65.5 7.9 .. 7.0 7.5 88.0 .. 44.0 93.5 58.0 76.0 0.7 11.4 24.810 Japan 59.7 8.9 .. .. 6.1 78.0 76.2 33.0 84.6 23.0 69.0 0.4 13.2 36.211 Canada 62.7 15.9 .. 8.7 7.4 94.0 91.5 42.0 91.7 55.0 79.0 1.6 5.4 17.312 Korea, Republic of 64.8 12.1 .. 16.5 6.9 66.0 71.1 26.0 78.5 28.0 54.0 2.6 22.1 39.913 Hong Kong, China (SAR) 61.2 11.0 .. .. 5.5 89.0 84.4 29.0 84.1 58.0 88.0 0.2 10.7 19.013 Iceland 71.9 18.4 .. 6.4 6.9 86.0 .. .. 81.8 24.0 77.0 0.3 7.0 16.515 Denmark 59.8 15.7 .. 6.2 7.8 93.0 94.0 60.0 93.4 47.0 79.0 0.9 6.4 17.516 Israel 60.9 11.8 .. 12.3 7.4 52.0 84.0 26.0 82.3 45.0 59.0 2.1 1.5 7.017 Belgium 54.0 18.7 .. 8.0 6.9 86.0 90.3 30.0 91.2 29.0 64.0 1.7 10.3 28.818 Austria 58.6 8.8 .. 6.6 7.5 92.0 94.1 29.0 94.4 41.0 82.0 0.6 7.1 23.818 Singapore 69.2 6.7 .. .. 6.5 82.0 86.5 33.0 92.9 83.0 89.0 0.3 7.7 12.920 France 54.4 23.2 .. 9.0 7.0 90.0 87.4 20.0 89.4 38.0 63.0 1.1 8.5 24.721 Finland 57.8 19.3 .. 6.0 7.4 93.0 87.7 58.0 91.2 57.0 78.0 2.2 10.0 29.021 Slovenia 57.2 16.8 .. 5.8 6.0 90.0 85.0 15.0 90.6 18.0 84.0 0.7 9.4 34.623 Spain 49.5 48.2 .. 10.1 6.5 80.0 85.7 22.0 87.8 31.0 68.0 0.8 3.4 11.924 Liechtenstein .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.8 .. ..25 Italy 47.5 32.0 .. 11.9 6.1 55.0 81.0 20.0 75.7 26.0 52.0 0.9 2.8 10.026 Luxembourg 59.9 20.8 .. 7.2 7.1 95.0 93.5 26.0 94.7 77.0 77.0 2.5 3.2 16.126 United Kingdom 58.8 22.0 .. 8.3 6.9 90.0 88.3 35.0 86.6 49.0 70.0 1.2 3.0 10.928 Czech Republic 59.7 18.1 .. 5.4 6.3 73.0 79.9 24.0 88.1 21.0 59.0 1.7 4.4 23.929 Greece 49.1 51.5 .. 11.5 5.4 52.0 70.3 16.0 74.2 18.0 53.0 1.5 1.0 6.030 Brunei Darussalam 69.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.5 .. ..31 Cyprus 66.2 23.1 .. 11.5 6.7 73.0 87.1 11.0 88.7 40.0 70.0 1.7 1.7 7.432 Malta 48.3 14.0 .. 8.2 6.2 86.0 86.0 16.0 84.1 49.0 64.0 1.0 1.0 5.933 Andorra .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.3 .. ..33 Estonia 58.4 23.8 .. 9.0 5.5 69.0 81.1 33.0 86.3 42.0 56.0 5.2 7.3 30.635 Slovakia 57.5 33.6 .. 6.3 5.9 68.0 78.6 21.0 86.6 28.0 59.0 1.5 3.4 22.336 Qatar 89.9 8.9 .. .. 6.6 90.0 86.0 23.0 90.4 89.0 87.0 0.9 .. ..37 Hungary 49.6 27.2 .. 7.4 4.9 61.0 80.5 13.0 74.2 36.0 57.0 1.3 10.6 40.038 Barbados 66.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11.3 0.0 7.339 Poland 55.1 28.9 .. 9.9 5.6 80.0 77.0 25.0 88.2 27.0 59.0 1.1 4.1 26.440 Chile 62.9 21.1 3.0 19.0 6.6 77.0 78.2 15.0 78.4 48.0 46.0 3.2 4.2 18.241 Lithuania 55.6 34.6 .. 11.0 5.4 52.0 78.2 25.0 84.2 18.0 39.0 6.6 10.4 61.341 United Arab Emirates 83.4 21.8 .. .. 7.2 87.0 88.7 18.0 93.8 .. 90.0 0.8 .. ..43 Portugal 58.0 31.7 3.0 10.8 5.2 79.0 88.7 27.0 90.1 21.0 63.0 1.2 4.0 15.644 Latvia 55.1 29.6 .. 10.9 5.0 54.0 80.6 13.0 84.8 11.0 48.0 3.1 8.2 40.045 Argentina 62.6 22.2 7.0 19.5 6.4 79.0 80.7 23.0 89.0 61.0 50.0 3.4 3.0 12.646 Seychelles .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8.3 0.0 8.947 Croatia 49.1 36.8 .. 15.1 5.6 46.0 .. 16.0 66.0 .. 64.0 1.4 7.5 28.9High human development48 Bahrain 72.2 .. 5.0 .. 4.5 73.0 79.3 11.0 88.2 .. 60.0 0.6 3.5 4.049 Bahamas 71.9 21.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27.4 0.6 1.950 Belarus 54.4 .. 5.0 8.3 5.2 57.0 65.7 34.0 76.6 59.0 60.0 4.9 8.8 48.751 Uruguay 65.9 21.7 8.0 16.4 6.1 78.0 78.0 27.0 83.8 73.0 48.0 5.9 6.3 26.052 Montenegro .. 40.0 10.0 7.4 5.5 50.0 .. 21.0 68.3 .. 78.0 3.5 .. ..52 Palau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. ..54 Kuwait 75.5 11.8 .. .. 6.6 75.0 84.9 11.0 81.5 .. .. 2.2 1.7 1.955 Russian Federation 62.8 15.7 .. .. 5.4 54.0 67.9 24.0 69.4 48.0 40.0 10.2 9.5 53.9174 | HUMAN DevELoPMENt REPort <strong>2013</strong>

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