Human Development Report 2013 - UNDP

Human Development Report 2013 - UNDP

Human Development Report 2013 - UNDP


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FIGURE 1.4There is notable variation among countries in the gap between income poverty and multidimensionalpovertyPopulation living on less than $1.25 a day (%)908070NigeriaTanzania6050Bangladesh40Ethiopia30GhanaNepalIndia20IndonesiaPakistanGeorgiaChina South Africa10KyrgyzstanBrazilPeruThailand ArgentinaMorocco0EgyptTunisia0 Azerbaijan 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90Population in multidimensional poverty (%)Note: Data refer to 2002–2011. Bubble size is proportional to the number of people in multidimensional poverty. Diagonal line indicates where population living onless than $1.25 a day equals population in multidimensional poverty.Source: HDRO calculations.regions show rising inequality in income anddeclining inequality in health and education(figure 1.6). Latin America has seen incomeinequality fall since 2000, but it still has themost unequal distribution of all regions.Sub-Saharan Africa has the most inequalityin health, while South Asia has the most inequalityin education.The world has made much progress in reducinginequality in educational attainmentin both enrolment ratios and expected yearsof schooling over 1990–2010, particularly inEurope and Central Asia (loss due to inequalityin education declined almost 68%), East Asiaand the Pacific (34%) and Latin America andthe Caribbean (32%). In both developed anddeveloping countries, the average enrolment ratiofor primary education is nearly 100%. Andmore children are finishing school.Declines in inequality in both health andeducation may reflect corresponding governmentpriorities and innovations in social policy.There is also a link between health and education.Better education for women, for example,30 | HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT <strong>2013</strong>

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