Fall 2006 - Air & Space Power Chronicle - Air Force Link

Fall 2006 - Air & Space Power Chronicle - Air Force Link

Fall 2006 - Air & Space Power Chronicle - Air Force Link


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OUR CONTRIBUTORSGen Tom Hobbins (BS, University of Colorado;MBA, Troy State University) is commanderof US <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>s in Europe (USAFE);commander of <strong>Air</strong> Component Command,Ramstein <strong>Air</strong> Base, Germany; and director ofthe Joint <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Competency Center,Ramstein. He previously served as deputychief of staff for war-fighting integration,Headquarters US <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>, Washington, DC.General Hobbins has commanded two tacticalfighter wings, a composite air group, Twelfth<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>, and air-component commands forUS Strategic Command and US SouthernCommand. Additionally, he has served as directorof plans and operations for US <strong>Force</strong>sJapan, director of plans and policy for US AtlanticCommand, and director of operationsfor USAFE. A command pilot, he has morethan 4,440 flying hours, primarily in fighteraircraft. General Hobbins is a graduate ofSquadron Officer School, Armed <strong>Force</strong>s StaffCollege, and <strong>Air</strong> War College.Brig Gen Robert H. “Bob” Holmes (BA, DavidLipscomb College; MS, Georgia State University)is deputy director of operations, HeadquartersUS Central Command, MacDill AFB,Florida. His previous service includes tours asdirector of security forces and force protection,Headquarters US <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>, Washington,DC, and commander of the 37th TrainingWing at Lackland AFB, Texas. During OperationEnduring Freedom, the general served asdeputy commander of Joint Special OperationsTask <strong>Force</strong>-South (Task <strong>Force</strong> K-Bar), responsiblefor directing and conducting jointcombat operations in southern Afghanistan. Amaster parachutist and military free-fall parachutist,General Holmes is a graduate ofSquadron Officer School, <strong>Air</strong> Command andStaff College, <strong>Air</strong> War College, and Armed<strong>Force</strong>s Staff College.Col Bradley D. Spacy (BA, Fresno State University;MS, University of Southern Mississippi) iscommander of the 375th Mission SupportGroup, Scott AFB, Illinois. A career securityforcesofficer with extensive experience in airbasedefense and antiterrorism / force protection,he has served as commander of the 47thSecurity <strong>Force</strong>s Squadron, Laughlin AFB,Texas; director of force protection for US CentralCommand <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>s Forward in supportof Operations Enduring Freedom and IraqiFreedom, during which time he created,planned, and participated in Operation DesertSafeside / Task <strong>Force</strong> 1041, an offensive combatoperation to kill or capture insurgent forcesattacking Balad <strong>Air</strong> Base, Iraq; and chief of the<strong>Force</strong> Protection and Operations Division, Directorateof Security <strong>Force</strong>s, Headquarters US<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>, Pentagon, Washington, DC. ColonelSpacy also commanded the United States <strong>Air</strong><strong>Force</strong> Honor Guard, leading 250 men andwomen in over 6,000 <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> and joint-serviceceremonies for the president, secretary of defense,chief of staff of the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>, and otherhigh-level military and civilian leaders. ColonelSpacy is a graduate of Squadron Officer School,US Marine Corps Command and Staff College,and Joint <strong>Force</strong>s Staff College.Lt Col Gregory J. Reese (USAFA; MS, Universityof South Carolina; MS, <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Instituteof Technology) is commander of the 51st Security<strong>Force</strong>s Squadron, Osan <strong>Air</strong> Base, SouthKorea. He has served in numerous installation,training, and staff assignments in the securityforcescareer field. Previous assignments includecommander, 332d Expeditionary Security<strong>Force</strong>s Squadron, Balad <strong>Air</strong> Base, Iraq; securityforces staff, Headquarters <strong>Air</strong> Combat Command,Langley AFB, Virginia; <strong>Air</strong> Mobility WarfareCenter, Fort Dix, New Jersey; and chief ofair base defense and police-service policy,Headquarters USAF, Pentagon, Washington,DC, where he developed new air-base defenseconcepts and doctrine. Colonel Reese is a graduateof <strong>Air</strong> Command and Staff College.Lt Col John M. Busch (BS, University of Michigan;MS, University of Kansas) is chief of theThreat and Intelligence Doctrine Branch,<strong>Force</strong> Protection and Operations Division, Directorateof Security <strong>Force</strong>s and <strong>Force</strong> Protection,Headquarters US <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>, Pentagon,Washington, DC. A member of the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), heis a veteran counterintelligence and specialinvestigationsofficer who has held a variety ofcommand and staff positions, including OSI detachmentcommander, director of staff, operationsofficer, and <strong>Air</strong> Staff officer. Colonel Buschalso served as task force counterintelligencecoordinator for Combined Joint Task <strong>Force</strong> 7and Multinational <strong>Force</strong>-Iraq in Baghdad, responsiblefor all counterintelligence activitiessupporting operations and force protection.126

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