Fall 2006 - Air & Space Power Chronicle - Air Force Link

Fall 2006 - Air & Space Power Chronicle - Air Force Link

Fall 2006 - Air & Space Power Chronicle - Air Force Link


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Molecular Nanotechnology andNational SecurityLCDR THOMAS D. VANDERMOLEN, USNEditorial Abstract: The author asserts that the manipulation and control of matterroughly the size of the diameter of a small molecule, known as molecular nanotechnology,will spawn a technological revolution that not only will create benefits but also will causean avalanche of unprecedented problems and threats. Commander Vandermolen suggeststhat the United States take the lead in creating a strategy of international regulation.In rare instances, revolutionary technology and associated military innovation can fundamentallyalter long-established concepts of warfare. . . .Some disruptive breakthroughs . . . could seriously endanger our security.—The National Defense Strategy of the United States of America, 2005MOLECULAR NANOTECHNOL-OGY (MNT), when fully developed,will provide the basis forthe next technological revolution,possibly the most beneficial and yet most disruptivein human history. By allowing inexpensivemass production with atomic-levelprecision, this infant technology has the potentialto create whole new classes of weaponsand economic, political, and social disruptionsserious enough to threaten internationalsecurity. To minimize the threats while maxi-96

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