Fall 2006 - Air & Space Power Chronicle - Air Force Link

Fall 2006 - Air & Space Power Chronicle - Air Force Link

Fall 2006 - Air & Space Power Chronicle - Air Force Link


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INTERDEPENDENCE7kets to water pumps to mobile medical teams,from over 40 NATO and partner nations tovictims of natural disasters in both the UnitedStates and Pakistan. NATO aircraft also patrolthe sovereign airspace of new allies that donot have their own organic air-policing capability.Just a few months ago in Lithuania, GermanF-4s handed the Baltic air-policing missionto USAFE F-16s, which then passed theresponsibility to Polish MiG-29s and then toTurkish F-16s. These operations prove that togetherwe can combine capabilities to limiteach ally’s vulnerabilities.Bolstering security and stability in the worldhas never been more important. Throughproactive transformation and investment,USAFE and NATO will continue to developvalue-added relationships with other services,partners, and allies to achieve common goals.Our strength, through interdependence, residesin our ability to leverage our best practicesto deliver decisive results; we are makingsuperb progress.Serving as commander in this theater is agreat honor. I am grateful for the opportunityto lead these wonderful <strong>Air</strong>men, and I am veryproud of their service to our nation and theNATO alliance. q

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