Fall 2006 - Air & Space Power Chronicle - Air Force Link

Fall 2006 - Air & Space Power Chronicle - Air Force Link

Fall 2006 - Air & Space Power Chronicle - Air Force Link


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76 AIR & SPACE POWER JOURNAL FALL <strong>2006</strong>incorporating it into the developing GSTFconcept for the long term. The jet not onlylends required weapons and target flexibilitycurrently unavailable in General Jumper’s visionbut also promises unsurpassed flexibility.With just a couple of current-technology upgrades,the Nighthawk could leverage the envisionedGSTF C 2 ISR network to enable air-borne time-sensitive targeting and enhancedIADS penetration. Because any serious approachto the GSTF concept demands utilizationof the Nighthawk’s unique, worthwhilecapabilities, we should plan for this event, deferPBD 720’s proposed retirement of theNighthawk, and upgrade the F-117 to fill thestealth gap. qNotes1. Curtis Peebles, Dark Eagles: A History of Top SecretU.S. <strong>Air</strong>craft Programs (Novato CA: Presidio Press, 1995),136–67.2. Briefing, Diana Filliman, Washington, DC, subject:F-117 Sustainment: Performance-Based Logistics, 15 November2005.3. Pamela Hess, “<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Cuts F-117, B-52, AddsF-22s,” 11 January <strong>2006</strong>, National Guard Association ofthe United States, http://www.ngaus.org/ngaus/files/ccLibraryFiles/Filename/000000000821/UPI%20Reports%20PBD%20720%20<strong>Air</strong>%20<strong>Force</strong>%20Cuts.pdf#search=’pbd%20720%20f117.4. “F-22A Raptor Advanced Tactical Fighter <strong>Air</strong>craft US<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong>, USA,” <strong>Air</strong>force-technology.com, http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/f22 (accessed 23 November2005).5. Briefing, Rick Hyde, Washington, DC, subject:JDAM, 15 November 2005.6. Dr. Cerrato, chief JDAM engineer, conversationwith the author.7. “Small Diameter Bomb / Small Smart Bomb,” GlobalSecurity.org, http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/sdb.htm (accessed 26 November 2005).8. “AF Officials Declare F-22A Operational,” Sunburst48, no. 50 (16 December 2005): 8, http://www.holloman.af.mil/sunburst/2005/12December/December16web.pdf.9. Christopher Bolkcom, F/A-22 Raptor, CRS Reportfor Congress RL31673 (Washington, DC: Library of Congress,Congressional Research Service, 3 March 2005),2–7, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/weapons/RL31673.pdf;and Hess, “<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Cuts.”10. “JSF (F35) Joint Strike Fighter, International,”<strong>Air</strong>force-technology.com, http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/jsf (accessed 25 November 2005).11. Ibid.; and Robert Wall, “F-35 In-Service Dates Slide,”Aviation Week and <strong>Space</strong> Technology, 13 June 2004, http://www.aviationnow.com/avnow/search/autosuggest.jsp?docid=366670&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aviationnow.com%2Favnow%2Fnews%2Fchannel_awst_story.jsp%3Fview%3Dstory%26id%3Dnews%2F06144wna.xml.12. “JASSM Launch & Leave: Subsonic Cruise MissileDesign” (Eglin AFB, FL: <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Armament Team NewsConnection, 1999), http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/smart/docs/990000-jassm.htm (accessed 27 November2005).13. “Joint <strong>Air</strong> to Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM),”Defense Update, 6 November 2005, http://www.defense-update.com/products/j/jassm.htm (accessed 27 November2005).14. “Global Positioning System Aided Munition(GAM) [GBU-36/B & GBU-37/B],” Federation of AmericanScientists: Military Analysis Network, 26 December 1998,http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/smart/gam.htm(accessed 1 December 2005).15. Adam J. Hebert, “Long-Range Strike in a Hurry,”<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Magazine 87, no. 11 (November 2004): 30, http://www.afa.org/magazine/nov2004/1104strike.pdf; and BruceRolfsen, “Battling Wear and Tear,” <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Times, 26 December2005, 18.16. Maj Hobart Alford, chief of weapons, 9th FighterSquadron, conversation with the author.17. Tom Wilson, Threats to United States <strong>Space</strong> Capabilities[prepared for the Commission to Assess United States NationalSecurity <strong>Space</strong> Management and Organization],2001, GlobalSecurity.org, http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/report/2001/nssmo/article05.pdf (accessed 21February <strong>2006</strong>).18. Gen John P. Jumper, “Global Strike Task <strong>Force</strong>: ATransforming Concept, Forged by Experience,” Aerospace<strong>Power</strong> Journal 15, no. 1 (Spring 2001): 30–31, http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/apj/apj01/spr01/jumper.pdf.19. Laura Pellegrino, “A Nighthawk in Raptor’s Clothing,”<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> <strong>Link</strong>, 9 December 2003, http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?StoryID=123006171 (accessed 5 December2005).20. Jumper, “Global Strike Task <strong>Force</strong>,” 29–30.21. Federation of American Scientists, “<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> MissionSupport System (AFMSS),” 9 January 1999, http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/equip/afmss.htm (accessed6 December 2005).22. Jumper, “Global Strike Task <strong>Force</strong>,” 30–31.

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