The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

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- 134 -2. WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE IMPERIAL-COLLEGE-CONFERENCE?<strong>The</strong> comnents which Dr. Aspden gives concerning the conference "Physical Ineterpretation<strong>of</strong> the Relativity <strong>The</strong>ory" are, <strong>of</strong> course, right. In no <strong>way</strong> can this conference becalled "scientific". <strong>The</strong> fact <strong>of</strong> my violent expulsion by three men <strong>of</strong> the securitystaff, under the order <strong>of</strong> the conference's organizer. Dr. M. Duffy, is sufficient todisqualify the conference. When the proponents <strong>of</strong> a certain theory become afraid tohear unpleasant questions, this theory has begun to stink.3. IS THERE A DIFFERENCE IN THE ELECTROMAGNETIC BEHAVIOUR OF ELECTRONS AND PROTONS?Dr. Aspden asks whether there is a difference in the electromagnetic behaviour <strong>of</strong>leptons (electrons) and hadrdns (protons). As he poses his question retorically but notto Nature (there is no proposal <strong>of</strong> some experiment), the question remains void. At theatpresent time I do not know some experiment which has indicated such a difference.4. IS THERE MASS INCREASE FOR MACROSCOPIC BODIES?This is again a question without proposal <strong>of</strong> some experiment. I have consideredthis problem in my CLASSICAL PHYSICS, vol. IV, p. 196, where I have proposed the followingexperiment:Let a rotor, with a moment <strong>of</strong> inertia J about its axis <strong>of</strong> rotation, be in equilibriumwith an equivalent mass on a very sensible ballance. If we set the rotor inrotation with an angular velocity f2, its proper energy will becomeE^ = E + E^ = Mc^ + (l/2)Jfi^where M is its mass, E its universal energy, and E|( its kinetic energy.Thus its mass which plays the role <strong>of</strong> "gravitational charge" will increase byAM = Jfi^/2c^.5 2Taking J = 1.8x10 gem , Q = 100,000 rad/sec = 16,000 rev/sec, we obtain AM =1 Pg. This is such a small mass increase that it can hardly be measured. Howeverthis "ROTOR ON A BALLANCE" EXPERIMENT shows that with the help <strong>of</strong> certain experi-^ mental sophistications, perhaps, soon one will be able to establish experimentallyin the most direct <strong>way</strong> whether there is a mass increase with velocity for macroscopicbodies.I firmly believe that there is mass increase with velocity increase for macroscopicbodies. As an experimental verification can be considered the seculiar perihelion's rotation<strong>of</strong> the planets, for which my theory gives a value equal to the half <strong>of</strong> that givenby general relativity (but general relativity does not take into account the Sun'soblateness and the increase <strong>of</strong> its density towards the center which cause perihelion'srotation in the same direction and <strong>of</strong> the same amount as this one caused by the massincrease) As, however, too many factors (certain <strong>of</strong> which are not known exactly) influencethe perihelion's rotation, the relevant observations cannot give convincing support(or rejection) to the different theories (see for detail CLASSICAL PHYSICS, N, §63).I have further to add that in the expression for the proper mass

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