The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

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187 -It would be fine, but quite strange, if everything was so simple. Among the incrediblylarge number <strong>of</strong> isotopes, exceptions appear at once. Table 3 shows the EES <strong>of</strong> somenuclei that make an exception: they should be stable from the point <strong>of</strong> what was saidjust now but, unfortunately, they are not.Table 3 may be still supplemented with quite many examples from the beginning <strong>of</strong> theperiodical system <strong>of</strong> isotopes. It is important that, for many <strong>of</strong> the unstable nuclei,the width <strong>of</strong> the potential hole may again contain a whole number <strong>of</strong> times <strong>of</strong> elementarywaves <strong>of</strong> de Broglie, but <strong>of</strong> unstable clusters; this might be a cause for their instability.It seems that some nuclei are unstable since, because <strong>of</strong> the unsuitable width <strong>of</strong> thepotential hole, they cannot hold certain stable components for a long time. Other areunstable because they consist <strong>of</strong> unstable components. It is possible that this characterizessimply the relativity <strong>of</strong> the notion stability. <strong>The</strong> time scales in the nucleiand in our life differ greatly.Impressing is the <strong>way</strong>, how the idea <strong>of</strong> stability, as an idea <strong>of</strong> the availability <strong>of</strong>.a potential hole containing a whole number <strong>of</strong> times <strong>of</strong> elementary waves <strong>of</strong> de Broglie <strong>of</strong>the clusters composing the nucleus, turns almost at once into an idea <strong>of</strong> the necessitythe elementary waves <strong>of</strong> de Broglie <strong>of</strong> the clusters composing the nucleus - stable ornot - to enter a whole number <strong>of</strong> times in the width <strong>of</strong> the potential hole. This willthen determine the stability or instability <strong>of</strong> the composed nucleus. <strong>The</strong>n it is logicalto assume that the nucleus most probably will be composed <strong>of</strong> those clusters whose elementarywaves <strong>of</strong> de Broglie satisfy relation (8).However there are nuclei which decisively disobey relation (8).In Table 4 we have chosen some <strong>of</strong> them, confining to relatively not yery complexnuclei and remaining thus at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the periodical system <strong>of</strong> isotopes.<strong>The</strong> first is the He nucleus. In the width <strong>of</strong> its potential hole there is not a wholenumber <strong>of</strong> times <strong>of</strong> the elemntary waves either <strong>of</strong> proton or <strong>of</strong> deuteron, which might beits only cluster units. It should be unstable but in fact it is one <strong>of</strong> the most stablenuclei. This fact impels us to assume that here perhaps we come across something likea new constructive unit. As it seems, the neutron realizes an exceptionally stable bond

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