The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

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.,- 200*g|''^OV Dr. J. KratochvilMorfurfciir^^-^iri 8 Marcn lyyu^^^ech. J. PHYSICSA-8010 GRAZ - AUSTRIA Na Slovance 2Tel. 0316/377093'^>»«''^ CSR-180 40 Praha 8Dear Dr.KratochvilThank you very much for your letter <strong>of</strong> the 2 March 1990, although the rejection <strong>of</strong>my paperACTION OF CONSTANT ELECTRIC CURRENT ON ELECTRONS AT RESTDUE TO THE ABSOLUTE VELOCITY OF THE EARTHwas, <strong>of</strong> course, not pleasant for me.I show in my answer to the referee's comments, which is enclosed, that the objections<strong>of</strong> the referee are WRONG. Thus, I beg you to give my paper to an arbitrator whohas to decide whether I or the referee is right.In his letter to me <strong>of</strong> the 31 January 1990, whose acceptance I now acknowledge.Dr. J. Fischer wrote the following: "I nevertheless maintain the general convictionthat a controversial subject should be discussed in a journal specialized in the correspondingfield." - I show since 20 years that the relativity theory and conventionalelectromagnet ism are wrong. I submit papers to ALL physical journals <strong>of</strong> the world. <strong>The</strong>"specialized" journals, as well as all leading relativists in the world know sincemany years that I am right and that relativity is dead (Dr. Langer could persuadehimself about the situation on the GR-conferences in the last years where we met). However they close the doors <strong>of</strong> their journals for my papers, because they know that bypublishing my papers they will lose their prestige. Thus I can publish my papers onlyin journals which are not in the hands <strong>of</strong> the "relativistic lobby". I hope that theCZECH. J. PHYS. is one such journal. If Dr. Langer*has rejected during the last 20years my papers, this was NOT because he takes part <strong>of</strong> the "relativistic mafia" butbecause he has not understood that I am right (this is the case with many <strong>of</strong> the spacetime specialists in the world who are not "consecrated").As the referee has raised the question about the gauge invariance, I now submitalso my paper^., THE ELECTROMAGNETIC EFFECTS ARE DETERMINED BY THEPOTENTIALS AND NOT BY THE INTENSITIES.and I RESUBMIT my paperACTION OF CONSTANT ELECTRIC CURRENT ON ELECTRONS AT RESTDUE TO THE ABSOLUTE VELOCITY OF THE EARTH.<strong>The</strong> last paper was examined in your <strong>of</strong>fice ONE YEAR. Meanwhile the referee's opiniohas been written in no more than 10 minutes. I hope that now, after so many years <strong>of</strong>stagnation, people in Czechoslovakia have understood that without expeditivity, fairnessand GLASNOST human society cannot progress. Hoping this time to receive yourdecision In due time,/)//•/•Dr, Langer is NOT my presentrefereeSincerely yours, y^. ^^#if/ stefan Marino

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