The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

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.(2)But now we have- 67 -second: the electromotive work in the second conductor:third: the electrodynamic work <strong>of</strong> both currents on one another:*J/dS .d (I)dS' —jj- (hi\+ ^ *; +''3h)'After we have gotten acquainted with the potential <strong>of</strong> the interaction<strong>of</strong> both galvanic currents, we will attempt to explain this interaction fromthe interaction <strong>of</strong> the individual electric particles.For this purpose, it is necessary to discuss generally how the theoremsin sections 36 to 43 are to be altered when the potential is not onlydependent on the coordinates, but also on the velocities <strong>of</strong> the movingmaterial points.Section 95<strong>The</strong> Expanded <strong>The</strong>orem Of LaGrange;; C{T-^D + S)dt =We will consider a system <strong>of</strong> moving material particles. T is thekinetic energy <strong>of</strong> this system. <strong>The</strong> expression for the work performed (thepotential) at time t may be broken down into two parts, S + D, so that S isonly dependent on the particle's coordinates, with D, moreover, stilldependent on the velocities. We will denote x, y, z as the coordinates forany one <strong>of</strong> the material points, and willwrite (dx/dt)=x', (dy/dt)=y',(dz/dt)=z' as an abbreviation and, correspondingly, the second derivatives.<strong>The</strong> components <strong>of</strong> the force acting on point (x, y, z) are X, Y, Z.<strong>The</strong> work performed in time element dt, after the expiration <strong>of</strong> time t, is(1)'^(Xx'+Yy'+Zz')dt.<strong>The</strong> summation is to be extended over all the points. This work is equal tothe increase that the potential undergoes in time element dt:2(j:x'+yy' + Z.')c/< = (^ + ^)cZ

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