The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

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- 178oceans, Americans John Wheeler andRichard Feynman have calculated. Untilrecently, the idea <strong>of</strong> vacuum energy wasonly a daring hypothesis bordering onscience fiction.<strong>The</strong> vacuum lamp powered in Chemetskil'sbasement laboratory in the center <strong>of</strong>Moscow has made It a reality. He explainshis miraculous experiment thus: "<strong>The</strong>self-generating discharge emerges when thedischarge currents reach a definite criticaldensity, when the magnetic fields theycreate ensure magnetization <strong>of</strong> the plasmaelectrons and they begin to perfonn mainlycydoid movement. <strong>The</strong> interaction <strong>of</strong>currents with their magnetic field forces theelectrons to deviate to the cylinder-shapeddischarge axis and the electrical fieldemerges.Polarized vacuum field'It has been demonstrated that this switcheson the physical vacuum. In this field thevacuum is polarized and consequently thevirtual pairs begin to move in a definitedirection, instead <strong>of</strong> chaotically. <strong>The</strong> virtualpositrons accelerate plasma electrons,giving tilem part <strong>of</strong> their energy. <strong>The</strong> currentin the circuit build up and additional energyis discharged on the resistor switched intothe discharge circuit. Clearly, only part <strong>of</strong> thetremendous vacuum energy is extracted.429% efficiency"We've developed several circuit versionswhich can find application. In the latestexperiment which had an input power <strong>of</strong> 700watts, the generator produced threeKilowatts for (to) load the resistance, orneariy five times as much."This is only the start and not the limit. <strong>The</strong>calculations for more powerful plants showthat many megawatts <strong>of</strong> free electricity canbe produced from a minimal power source.Self-generating discharge (SQD)Plasmatron and space travelYuri Gulkin looks towards the future <strong>of</strong> theirdiscovery: "It cleariy has wide -rangingapplications - for example, engines basedon the self-generating plasmatron . Untilnow, ail attempts to use plasmatrons asengines have failed because strong electronand ion bombardment rapidly burns out theelectrodes. SQD leaves them intact andsuch engines can be used to poweraircraft, trains and automobiles. It wouldbe logical to create a newenvironmentally-wise power Industry.Portable hydroelectric, wind and solarbattery power plants boosted by SGDcould become an enormous source <strong>of</strong>electricity. With time, they would edgethe costly, polluting and hazardousfuel-fired and hydraulic plants. Alreadywe can now build an SuD plant whichwould supply electricity for a townshipor a factory. A vacuum power stationcomparable to the giant facilities now inexistence could oe designed fromtoday. Our discovery could revolutionizecosmonautics."Powering spaceships with 10voltsLaboratory experiments have provedthe possibility <strong>of</strong> using ttie kinetic effect<strong>of</strong> SGD for accelerating bodies inspace. Gulkin has calculated tiieparameters <strong>of</strong> a SGD plasmati-on thatcould serve as tiie propulsion engine <strong>of</strong>the future, replacing the presentunwieldy and dangerous chemicalrocket engines. Powered by a minor tenvolt source. It could deliver powerenough for the take-<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> a largespaceship. Tapping the ambient spacevacuum, It could fly across the cosmosetemally.Unknown waves"We didn't tfiink <strong>of</strong> only Industrialapplications," Chernetskii recalls. "SGDtumed out to produce wave radiationwhich was hitiierto unknown, butevidentiy in existence at all times. Ukesound waves. Its waves have alongitudinal electric-field component anda high penetrability through conductivemedia, including metals. It tumed outthat these single waves, 'awakening' thehidden vacuum energy, can altersubstance structure.Biolociically-sourced equivalentsexperiments"<strong>The</strong> experiment was staged at theBurdenko Institute <strong>of</strong> Neurosurgery(Moscow) and showed that directionfiilSGD radiation accelerated nudear

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