The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

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1816) Samokhin writes: "It is generally recognized among physicists that all elementaryparticleinteractions occur with the help <strong>of</strong> virtual-particle exchange." Virtual particlesare introduced by the physicists who are unable to build a theory with real particles.<strong>The</strong> introduction <strong>of</strong> the "virtual" particles is only a sign <strong>of</strong> our inability tounderstand certain observed phenomena.7) According to Samokhin, Pr<strong>of</strong>. Chernetski has asserted that "gravitation is as dimnow as it was in the times <strong>of</strong> Newton". Newton explained ALL gravitational phenomena byintroducing the form <strong>of</strong> the gravitational energy <strong>of</strong> two masses m, m' , separated by a distancer,U = ymm'/r,where y is the gravitational constant which depends on the choice <strong>of</strong> the measuring initsfor U, m and r. We still explain ALL gravitational phenomena by the help <strong>of</strong> THIS formula.What is in gravitation dim?One wishes to know WHAT has Pr<strong>of</strong>. Chernetski done, which are the scheme, the parametersand the observed results <strong>of</strong> his self -generating plasmatron. By reading the report<strong>of</strong> A. Samokhin, one learns nothing else besides "virtual particles", "virtual positronsaccelerating plasma electrons", ordered dipole vacuum", "polarization <strong>of</strong> the vacuum"and similar bla-bla-bla. (A friend <strong>of</strong> me once said: "Polarization <strong>of</strong> the vacuum is thesame thing as colour <strong>of</strong> a fart.")In the same issue <strong>of</strong> the PACE-newsletter there is an article on Chernetski 's plasmagenerator by Paul Czysz who repeats the bla-bla-bla <strong>of</strong> Samokhin, followed by an article<strong>of</strong> the SCHIZOPHRENIC T. E. Bearden who asserts since many years that the Soviets havediscovered the "longitudinal" electromagnetic waves, about which Tesla has spoken, andthat in 1986 by the help <strong>of</strong> such "scalar" waves the Soviets have shot down Challenger.According to Bearden, with the announcement <strong>of</strong> Chernetski 's converter, the Soviets intendto divert the attention <strong>of</strong> the West from their secret superveapons based on thescalar waves. I give the advice to my readers to not read the schizophrenic stupidities<strong>of</strong> Thomas Bearden.As Chukanov said me, the converter <strong>of</strong> Chernetski is mounted in a basement <strong>of</strong> a livinghouse in Moscow (this is confirmed also by Samokhin). I had long conversations with Dr.Vladimir Berzhaty <strong>of</strong> the cosmic flight organization ENERGIA (GLAVKOSMOS) , the leader <strong>of</strong>the Soviet group which organizes the common Austrian-Soviet cosmic flight next year. Dr.Berzhaty has helped some years ago the experimentation <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>. Chernetski. According toBerzhaty NEVER an excess <strong>of</strong> energy has been reliably observed. Consequently the cosmicflight organization ENERGIA has lost any interest in Chernetski 's experiments and nowChernetski continues his research quite alone and at a lack <strong>of</strong> money. Dr. Chukanov hasvisited Chernetski 's basement laboratory in December 1989, however Chernetski has notset his plasma generator in action and no measurements have been done.I think there is ho sense in narrating fables on Chernetski 's converter. And it issilly to propose "theories" about the "zero-point energy" which is transformed in theplasma converter from virtual into real, as do Moray King and my friend George Hatha<strong>way</strong>in the same issue <strong>of</strong> the PACE-newsletter <strong>of</strong> Michrowski . First we need a CLEARLY WRITTENreport on WHAT Pr<strong>of</strong>. Chernetski has done with a clear scheme <strong>of</strong> his setup and with observationaldata taken by an independent observer. As said above, I intend to visit Pr<strong>of</strong>.Chernetski in the near future and my report will be published in TWT-IX.

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