The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

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233Editor:PHYSICS ESSRVSAN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL DEDICATED TO FUNDAMENTALQUESTIONS IN PHYSICSE. Panarella 23 April 1 990PE2253/klaDr. Stefan MarinovInstitute for Fundamental StudiesMorellenfeldgasse 16A-8Q1Q GRAZ .AUSTRIARe: Manuscript: PROPULSIVE AND ROTATING AMPERE BRIDGES VIOLATE THE PRINCIPLE OFRELATIVITY, by Stefan Marinov, submitted for publication in PhysicsEssays (received 19 July 1989)Dear Dr.Marinov:Please find enclosed a review <strong>of</strong> your paper.As you probably know, the Editorial Policy <strong>of</strong> "Physics Essays" prescribes that authorsshould take an objective and careful look at the reviewers' reports in order to see if there areelements <strong>of</strong> value that can be used to improve the quality <strong>of</strong> their papers, on both the aspects <strong>of</strong>correctness and <strong>of</strong> clarity <strong>of</strong> exposition, and this is what I am encouraging you to do now.In particular, I believe you should address the serious questions raised by the reviewerbecause they seem to indicate that your experiments were not capable <strong>of</strong> proving your point.Since I would like to keep a tight schedule on this process <strong>of</strong> revision, I would thereforelike to have your revised manuscript. In triplicate, back to me by 8 June 1990. at latest.Moreover, in retyping the manuscript, please follow the Instruction to Authors here enclosed.Ithank you for having submitted your paper to us.Sincerelyyours.Editorial note . Marinov answers thi$ letter witl^ CT^ ^^^7)vhis letter <strong>of</strong> the 3 May 1990. ^V,'J^nc ^^CCz>^End.E. PanarellaEP/kIac/oNational Research Council, Rm. 100 Bldg. MIO. Ottawa, Ontario KIA OR6, CanadaTel: (819) 770-0477. Fax: (819) 770-3862

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