The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

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- 286CTEFAN MAIUNOVOr J. Kaluzny!^''^^o'!;^^''*^^if.ll^. 9 July 1990 ACTA PHYSICA SLOVACAA.8010 CRAZ - AUSTRIA Dubravska cesta 9Tel. 0316/377093 CSFR - 8^2 28 BratislavaYour letter: 29 June 1990Dear Dr. Kaluzny, received: 9 July 1990Thank you for your letter, although I remained unleasantly shocked, seeing that afterFOUR months following the submission <strong>of</strong> my papers1. Violations <strong>of</strong> the laws...2. Repetition <strong>of</strong> Whitehearfs experiment...3. Maxwell's illusion...you rejected them "with the motivation: "You did not keep the instructions to the authoIn the instructions you have underlined the following two requirements:a) <strong>The</strong> papers should deal with original research, not published so far. - MY PAPERSDEAL WITH ORIGINAL RESEARCH AND ARE NOT PUBLISHED SO FAR.b) <strong>The</strong> authors are requested to attach a letter with a clear demand to publishtheir contribution in Acta Physica Slovaca. - IN MY LETTER OF SUBMISSION OF THE 16 MAR1990 THIS DEMAND WAS CLEARLY EXPRESSED.As far as the other instructions to the authors are concerned, I saw only two point<strong>of</strong> discrepancies:1. A formal poinrt: You require that the pages should be numbered in the upper righthand corner. Meanwhile my pages are numbered on the upper side in the middle. <strong>The</strong>n,you request that the references should be given as follows: 1. Gillmann, L: Phys, Rev.104 (1965) 435. Meanwhile I give them in the form: 1. L. Gillman, Phys. Rev. 104, 4351965).2. Important point. You request that the international system <strong>of</strong> units (SI) should bused. I did this in the second <strong>of</strong> the submitted papers which is PURELY EXPERIMENTALpaper. However in the first and third papers, which are predominantly THEORETICAL, Iused the Gauss system. I consider as a CRIME to write THEORETICAL PAPERS DEDICATED TOTHE FUNDAMENT^SOF PHYSICS (as my papers are) in the idiotic, HELAS! , system SI.Thus I beg you VERY MUCH to note WHICH DEMAND <strong>of</strong> your instructions to the authorwas not fulfilled by me.If you do not wish to publish my papers because they contradict FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICA"LAWS" accepted by today's physics, as the principles <strong>of</strong> relativity and equivalenceand the laws <strong>of</strong> conservation, you had to write this clearly . I know very well that asthe referees <strong>of</strong> the physical journals (and I am since 20 years in an every-day-contactwith ALL physical journals <strong>of</strong> the world) cannot present objections to my papers (andif such objections are presented, then IMMEDIATELY I show their inconsistency)and break the contacts in a "polite" form, they presert; some formal reasons. I havethe feeling that this is also the case with you.Thus I beg you very much to write me clearly whether you should like to receive papersfrom me (in such a case you have to examine them, and after the reception <strong>of</strong> myobjections, you have to give them to arbitrators), or you do not wish. In the secondcase you will spare your and my time and money.Hoping to receive your answer soon (and in the case <strong>of</strong> breaking <strong>of</strong> the contacts,also my submitted papers).Sincerely yours.Editorial note . This letter was answered by Dr. /} ^J/IJ^jrhduJKaluzny with his letter <strong>of</strong> //• ^VKm^imthe 27 July 1990. c* * u•^Stefan Mannov

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