The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

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STEFAN MAPJNOVMorcllcnfeldgasse 16A-8010 GRAZ — AUSTRIATel. 0316/3770933 August 1990299Dr. Herman FeshbachANNALS OF PHYSICSDeptm. <strong>of</strong> Physics, Room 6-318AMITCambridgeMA 02139Dear Dr.Feshbach,Ref. 62412, 62413Thank you for your letter <strong>of</strong> the 6 July 1990, although the rejection <strong>of</strong> my papers1. Repetition <strong>of</strong> Whitehead's Experiment for Demonstrating...2. Maxwell's Illusion: the Displacement Currentwas, <strong>of</strong> course, not pleasant for me.In my letter <strong>of</strong> submission <strong>of</strong> the 11 June 1990, expecting an eventual rejection, Iwrote:In the case <strong>of</strong> rejection, I beg you to answer the question:Will, according to your concepts, the dielectric ring in fig. 4 <strong>of</strong> the firstpaper rotate when alternating current will be sent in the apparatus or not? Ifthis question will be not answered PERSONALLY by you, I shall remain with thefeeling that you have not read my paper.You have not answered this question. For this reason, I send you the first paperagain and I beg you ONCE MOREtoanswer this question. If I do all this, the reason isthat you SURELY will give an answer which is CONTRADICTING the experimental evidence.In such a case you must consent, that my paper MUST BE PUBLISHED and you (as well aswhole conventional physics) have to change your electromagnetic concepts.Enclosed is the paper which Dr. Maddox wrote recently in NATURE on another "puzzle"for conventional physics (although there is nothing puzzling, if one will throw overboard the wrong theory <strong>of</strong> relativity and will errtjrace my absolute space-time theory).Enclosed is also my comments on Dr. Maddox' paper which is submitted to NATURE butwhich SURELY Dr. Maddox will reject. I should like to add that for the publication<strong>of</strong> this paper <strong>of</strong> Dr. Maddox I visited him five times in London, I spoke with him noless than 1000 (THOUSAND) times on the phone and exchanged some hundred letters, telefaxesand telegrams. Please, have the understanding that I cannot expend the sameefforts with everyedi tor <strong>of</strong> physical journal.I send you also my paper ABSOLUTE AND RELATIVE NEWTON-LORENTZ EQUATIONS which willappear in PHYSICS ESSAYS, so that you can solve Dr. Maddox' "puzzle" by the relevantmathematical apparatus.I beg you VERY MUCH, do not give me the advice to send the papers rejected by youto PHYSICS ESSAYS. This journal cannot publish all my papers.Hoping toreceive your answer soonSincerely yours,StefanMarinovEditorial note . This letter is answered by Dr. Feshbach with his letter <strong>of</strong> the23 August 1990.

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