The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

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.STEFAN MARINOV,- 263 -Pr<strong>of</strong>. Robert Romer''*Morellcnfeldgasse'16 11 June 1990'•AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICSA-8010 GRAZ — AUSTRIA Merrill Sc. Bldg., Room 222Box 2262 ,.Tel. 0316/377093AmherstMA 01002Dear Dr. Romer,To my letter to you <strong>of</strong> the 26 February 1990 there is still no answer and I am anxiouswhether this letter has reached you or not. Neither Pr<strong>of</strong>. Rindler has answered my letterto him <strong>of</strong> the 27 February and this COINCIDENCE tells me that the cause is not inthe post.<strong>The</strong> problems, however, are TOO IMPORTANT to be "settled" by silencing them. I wishto have your answer whether you have RECEIVED my letter <strong>of</strong> the 26 February.<strong>The</strong> question which I wish to clear is the following:Pr<strong>of</strong>. Rindler asserted in the AM. J. PHYS., 57, 993 (1989) that, for the case <strong>of</strong> amagnet moving with a velocity v and generating the magnetic potential A, the electricintensity induced in a piece <strong>of</strong> a wire at rest is notE = - vxrotA, (1)as it is commonly accepted by the relativistic physics, butas it is already deduced in many <strong>of</strong> my publications.E = (v.grad)A, (2)On the 20 December 1989 I submitted a Letter to the Editor <strong>of</strong> the AJP to note thatformula (2) is already deduced by me (and that ANY child has to deduce this formula).You rejected my Letter to the Editor with the following motivation in your letterto me <strong>of</strong> the 9 January:... we are not interested in publishing papers that criticize or attack wellestablishedtheories such as relativity and Maxwell's electromagnetism.Meanwhile with my Letter to the Editor <strong>of</strong> the AJP I wished only to defend MY priorityin introducing the extremely important formula (2).Now my paper ABSOLUTE AND RELATIVE NEWTON-LORENTZ EQUATIONS (rejected by the AJP onthe 1 August 1989) will appear in PHYSICS ESSAYS. A copy <strong>of</strong> this paper is enclosed.In the light <strong>of</strong> this publication I pose you my INSISTENT question and I shouldlike VERY MUCH to have your WRITTEN answer:WILL YOU PUBLISH MY LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF THE AJP AND RECOGNIZE MY PRIORITY ININTRODUCING FORMULA (2), OR YOU WILL PREFER TO FURTHER SILENCE THE PROBLEM?I am looking for your prompt answer.Sincerely yours,Stefan MarinovEditorial note . This letter remained unanswered.Marinov 's letter to Pr<strong>of</strong>. Romer <strong>of</strong> the 26 February 1990 was publishedin TWT-VII, p. 323.

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