The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

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^pere: d^d^d^' = (R/R^) C -2J.J' . 3(J.R) (J- .R)/R^} ,- 249 -J. P. WESLEY, Ph.D. PhysicistWeiherdammstr. 24, 7712 Blumberg, West Ge-many , Tel: 07702-65815 May 1990-^'Dear Stefan,Thanks for your letter <strong>of</strong> 12 May 1990.^ problem is not•u?^^^^^ ignoringV"^"^ the experiments but ismcapablility an<strong>of</strong> handling the math^^^ ^involved.i-ho/°'' ^^^ ^P^""^ ^^""-^f^u^^ Grassmann law "lead tothat cannotsingularitiesbe avoided". TTiis is NOT TRUE . As every physic^ studentng^laf sources' f'e°"' '''' <strong>of</strong>^Iiu^ity physics^singular?f'onesources,assiesi.e., sources that can go to infinity t hen one?Ihor' ' ""^T^" ^?''''- ^^"^^ ^^i"i^^ f°'^^^ ^-- never Lnd in ?he^L^o^'^Kno^ me^ tTt on? '' ^^^^f^never ever m any experijnent actually has a "point"^^ terns <strong>of</strong> ^oint charges;notbutmeanthisthatdoesone can find point charges iTT nature'expression<strong>The</strong>forusualCoulomb's law is'liiHly a mathematical artifact For^y^^^^"^Fv^n i °"^ ^'^ ^^ over a continuous distribution <strong>of</strong> chirksregarding the electron itself, itsL^^tn'^'"'^""''charge is al^ys*assumed to be some continuous distribution over space.and<strong>The</strong>GrassmannAmpere lawlaw, as usually expressed in terns <strong>of</strong> line'''''°^''! singular sources,^I tt^^^'^tlor infinite sources.assumes theseNo oneabbreviated expressioiB can be used as is in theanymorelaborato?^than Coulonb's law can be used as is in the laboratory) WitTat [eL?'?n'Li^r'Vf ^^'^^ ''^^ ^^^^^^^^?'' -^^^^' infinite forcesonP iTt"".^^^^^ 1^^)- Since no infinite forces areoneevermustobserved;either interpret the laws (as clearly intended)explicitlyorpresentm^stthem as having no inifinite norSince sin^^aryou seemsour^sto need the actual Ampeie aiid biol-bavart lawsbe checkedwhichm thecL^laboratory—-^( NO singularities orare inHniteimplied forcSno matter what the abbreviated%otation might be! ); here theyBiot-Savart:fi 1 7dV/d rd r' = J x~~ CORRECT!(J' x R)/R^<strong>The</strong>se are the full expressions for the usual abbreviatednotformsphysicallywhich aretenable^as is, namely:^P"""^ d^F = nt-2ds.ds' . 3(ds-R)(ds'.R)/R^}R/R^Biot-Savart: d^F = Il'ds x (ds' x R)/r'jmONGidement It'r" "' ^' 'i' f''f" ^"'^""" "" ^^""^"^ '' ^ ^"^ a primed^nH and !^lh which 'k ^t'^'^l^l^y the can Coulomb's be law that is empirically correctchecked in the laboratory is

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