The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

The thorny way of truth - Free Energy Community

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- 87 -GRAVITY, ELECTRICITY, AND MAGNETISM 293In 1858, Riemann presented a treatise to the Royal Society <strong>of</strong> Sciences atGUttingen, but later withdrew it. This same treatise is printed in PoggendorfsAnnalen, Bd. 131 (S. 237) under the title. "Ein Betrag zur Elektrodynamik." Thisstates the hypothesis that the force present in an electric particle at time t firstbegins its effect at a finite distance on another such paritcle at a later time t + A t.We can also find this fundamental idea in a contemporary (1867) treatisepublished by L, Lorenz: Ueber die IdentitUt dcr Schwingungen des Lichts mit deneiektrischen StrOmen, {Poggendorff's Annalen Bd. 131. S. 243). C Neumanndealt with the same fundamental ideas further (Die Principien derElektrodynamik. TUbingen 1868. Gratulationsschrift. — AllgemcincBetrachtungen Uber das *Weber'sch^ Gesetz. Mathematische Annalen Bd. 8.1875.)In recent years, Weber's basic law has become the subject <strong>of</strong> a controversyincited by Helmholtz. One should see these treatises about it:Helmholtz: Ueber die Bewegungsgleichungen fUr ruhende leitende Korper.(Borchardt's Journal Bd.72) — Ueber die <strong>The</strong>orie der Elektrodynamik. {Borchardt'sJournal Bd. 75 and Bd. 78.)Weber: Elektrodynamische Maassbestimmungen, insbesonderc Uber dasPrincip der Erhaltung der Energie. (Abhandlungen der mathematischephysischenKlasse der K. SXchsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften Bd. 10)C. Neumann: Ueber die den Kr'dften elektrodynamischen Ursprungszuzuschreibenden Elementargesetze. (Ibid.,Bd. 10)Also: C. Neuman's papers in volumes 5 and 6 <strong>of</strong> the Mathematischen Annalenand his monograph: Die eiektrischen Krk'fte. <strong>The</strong>il 1. Leipzig 1873.Both <strong>of</strong> H. Weber'i papers are <strong>of</strong> particular interest for the mathematician:Ueber die Be5jcrschen Functionen und ihre Anwendung auf die <strong>The</strong>orie der eiektrischen.Strtfme. {Borchardt's Journal Bd. 75) — Ueber die stationtfrenStrUmungen der ElektricitSt in Cylindem. C0orc/rar(/r'i Journal Bd. 76)<strong>The</strong>se texts deserve mention:Beer Einleitung in die Elektrostatik^ die Lehre vom Magnetismus und dieElektrodynamik. Braunschweig 1865.Wiedemann: Die Lehre vom Galvanismus und Elektromagnetismus. Secondedition. Bd. I. II, 1 and 2. Braunschweig 1872. 1873. 1874.Maxwell: A treatise on electricity and magnetism. Vol. I. II. Oxford 1873.One will find a detailed overview <strong>of</strong> the literature in Wiedemann 's book.

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