GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

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of all sorts of blind events and as a result inevitably shall serve solely asmeans for Nature's 'involutionary and evolutionary constructions.'"As most of you present here and l<strong>is</strong>tening to my explanations havealready, as <strong>is</strong> said, 'crossed over' into responsible age and after myexplanations sincerely cognize that until now you have not acquiredyour own I, and at the s<strong>am</strong>e time, according to the essence of all that Ihave said here, you have not pictured for yourselves any particularlyagreeable perspectives, <strong>then</strong>, in order that you—just you who have cognizedth<strong>is</strong>—should not be greatly, as <strong>is</strong> said, 'd<strong>is</strong>heartened' and shouldnot fall into the so-called 'pessim<strong>is</strong>m' prevalent everywhere in thecontemporary abnormal life of people, I say quite sincerely, without anyarrière-pensée, that, according to my convictions which have beenformed thanks to long years of investigations, streng<strong>then</strong>ed bynumerous quite exceptionally conducted experiments on the results ofwhich <strong>is</strong> based the 'Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man'founded by me—even for you, everything <strong>is</strong> not yet lost."My special investigations and experimentally stat<strong>is</strong>tical elucidationson th<strong>is</strong> subject showed me clearly and very definitely that by Great, AllsolicitousMother Nature the possibility <strong>is</strong> also foreseen for beings toacquire the kernel of their essence, that <strong>is</strong> to say, their own I, even afterentering into responsible age."The foresight of Equitable Nature cons<strong>is</strong>ts in the given case in th<strong>is</strong>,that the possibility <strong>is</strong> given to us after our completed formation intoresponsible life, by our own intentions through certain innerexperiencings and certain outer conditions to crystallize in our commonpresence data for the obtaining of such a kernel—of course with greaterdifficulty than in preparatory age.

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