GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

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already here, that, in their composition, the constatation in mymentation of one small fact played a large part.N<strong>am</strong>ely, once during my reflections about the construction andfunctioning of the nervous system of man, I, by the way, rememberedand, thinking further, very definitely establ<strong>is</strong>hed the following:During the second period of my so to say "Great Illness" after theautomobile accident, that <strong>is</strong>, <strong>when</strong> my consciousness returned, whilemy body was still helpless, and <strong>when</strong> I was v<strong>is</strong>ited by different friends,<strong>then</strong>, no matter whether they talked to me or just remained about, forseveral hours after their departure I felt very badly.Their sincere sympathy in <strong>real</strong>ity gave birth in me every time tothoughts which may be expressed as follows: "c<strong>am</strong>e, sucked me outlike v<strong>am</strong>pires and went away."So, having decided on th<strong>is</strong> progr<strong>am</strong>, I, before beginning the <strong>real</strong>izationin practice of everything thought out by me for unfailing fulfillment,took an oath before my own essence.Th<strong>is</strong> was on the night of May 6th, 1928, new calendar. After the so to say "simultaneous pacification of numerous tapeworms," usual in my house on th<strong>is</strong> day, I again locked myself inmy room, and at th<strong>is</strong> time, having brought myself into a suitable state,took for th<strong>is</strong> case my first, solemn vow.It will be adv<strong>is</strong>able to mention here, by the way, that on th<strong>is</strong> n<strong>am</strong>e dayof mine, because of a certain action toward me on the part of one of thepeople near me, I decided to <strong>real</strong>ize the following:In the future, under the pretext of different worthy reasons, to removefrom my eyesight all those who by th<strong>is</strong> or that make my life toocomfortable.

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