GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

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presence of a man who has attained maturity takes placesimultaneously and incessantly.All the factors making up and producing these threetotalities of functioning begin, and cease, to form in man atdifferent periods of h<strong>is</strong> life.The factors producing in man the first totality offunctioning, unless special measures are employed, areformed, as has been establ<strong>is</strong>hed long ago, <strong>only</strong> inchildhood—in boys on an average until the age of elevenyears, and in girls until the age of seven.The factors producing the second totality of functioningbegin to form in boys from the age of nine years, and ingirls even from the age of four years, lasting in differentcases a different length of time, approximately until theattainment of maturity.And factors producing the third totality begin to formfrom the attainment of maturity, continuing in the averageman at present <strong>only</strong> until the age of sixty, and in woman<strong>only</strong> until the age of forty-five.But in the case of people who have consciously perfectedthemselves to the so-called "all-centers-awake state," that <strong>is</strong>,to the state of being able in their waking state to think andfeel on their own initiative, these factors still continue toform in man until the age of three hundred years and inwoman until the age of two hundred.The forming of all the factors for the function-ings ofthese three entirely separate totalities of functioningproceeds in people in accordance also with the universallaw of "threefoldness."For the formation of factors of the first totality, thereserve as the "anode beginning," on the one

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