GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

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ing himself with h<strong>is</strong> whole being of h<strong>is</strong> negative properties that are evenin h<strong>is</strong> own judgment unworthy of a man, and not <strong>only</strong> with h<strong>is</strong>, in thepresent case, meaning-nothing "mind"; so that thus he may again become a person w<strong>is</strong>hing to work uponhimself with h<strong>is</strong> whole being, and not <strong>only</strong>, as I have just said, with h<strong>is</strong> meaningless consciousness.On account of the great importance of th<strong>is</strong> question, I repeat and underline that all th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> ind<strong>is</strong>pensable in order that in a man workingupon himself should ar<strong>is</strong>e and accumulate, as could <strong>only</strong> lawfullyproceed, the needed energy for the possibility of continuing to workwith the intensity of striving and power of action upon himself whichalone permits the transmutation of oneself from th<strong>is</strong> "nullity" into that "something," which he ought to have been according to even h<strong>is</strong> own "good sense"; th<strong>is</strong> latter, although rarely, does manifest itself in each contemporary man at those moments <strong>when</strong> the surrounding conditionsdo not prevent the manifestation of th<strong>is</strong> good sense, that <strong>is</strong>, to be suchas a man ought to be, the, as <strong>is</strong> said, "acme of Creation," and not whathe has become in <strong>real</strong>ity, especially in recent times, n<strong>am</strong>ely, as inmoments of self-sincerity he knows himself to be—an automaticallyperceiving and in everything manifesting himself domestic animal.Now I shall speak to you in the form of a conspectus about the eventswhich provoked the causes of my first journey to you in America. When, in the heat of my already described activity, repeated troublesbegan to grow again on a great scale in that "fertile soil for the growthof all kinds of scandals" bearing the n<strong>am</strong>e Russia, troubles which were related to me personally <strong>only</strong> because there were living with me manyof those unfortunate biped creatures, toward whom by the Will of Fate there had

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