GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

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Although the normal man must be able to be sincere, yet he mustalso know <strong>when</strong>, where and for what purpose it <strong>is</strong> necessary to besincere.And in the present case, to be sincere <strong>is</strong> desirable. Therefore, withoutrestraint, speak of all the results attained by you from doing th<strong>is</strong> kind ofexerc<strong>is</strong>e.I consider it necessary, before explaining these details, again to say alittle about that specific totality of the results from the generalfunctioning in the human psyche of what <strong>is</strong> called attention.Although, in the normal man, th<strong>is</strong> attention in the passive state <strong>is</strong> alsoa "something" of proportionately blended results of the correspondingactions of all the three independent automatized parts in h<strong>is</strong> wholeindividuality, and <strong>is</strong> always one whole, yet in an active state such a mancan consciously concentrate th<strong>is</strong> whole attention of h<strong>is</strong> on anything,either on some part of h<strong>is</strong> common presence or on something outsidehim, in such a so to say "collectiveness" that all the associationsautomatically proceeding in him, which being law-conformable resultsof the general functioning of h<strong>is</strong> organ<strong>is</strong>m must always, as long as hebreathes, inevitably proceed, will totally cease to hinder him.Here it might as well be remarked that, according to au<strong>then</strong>ticinformation which has reached us from the very ancient past, it <strong>is</strong>clearly stated that it was very definitely proved by learned persons <strong>then</strong>that these automatically flowing associations never cease while a manlives, and in certain people still continue to proceed after death forseveral days by momentum.In speaking of these associations which automatically flow in man, Imight as well, by the way, so to say "illuminatingly clarify" yet anotherat first glance insignificant aspect of the

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