GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

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"The process of intentional formation in one's presence of such data<strong>is</strong> conditioned by the difficulties of crossing over from one stre<strong>am</strong> of theriver of life to the other."It <strong>is</strong> interesting to note here that the expression often used bycontemporary people, of course quite automatically, without anyunderstanding of its hidden sense—'the first liberation of man'—signifies, according to the interpretation of initiates of one schoolex<strong>is</strong>ting presently in Central Asia, just that supposed figurativeunderstanding which I in my writings formulated as the possibility foreach drop of water of the prime general river to cross from the stre<strong>am</strong>which <strong>is</strong> predetermined to d<strong>is</strong>appear into the 'nether regions' into thestre<strong>am</strong> which empties itself into the vast space of the boundless ocean."As to the possibility of th<strong>is</strong> crossing for a man who in h<strong>is</strong>responsible age has already entered into the stre<strong>am</strong> of the 'netherregion,' although it <strong>is</strong> given by Great Nature, I must warn you, in ordernot to provoke in you so to say 'light-hearted illusions' regarding th<strong>is</strong>possibility to cross from one stre<strong>am</strong> to another, that it <strong>is</strong> not so easy—merely to w<strong>is</strong>h and you cross."For th<strong>is</strong> it <strong>is</strong> ind<strong>is</strong>pensable, with a constantly active consciousness,first of all with extremely great intensity to obtain the intentionalcrystallization in oneself of the data for engendering in one's commonpresence an unquenchable impulse of desire for such a crossing, and<strong>then</strong> will follow a long inner struggle, requiring great tension of all theinner forces, with the obvious abnormalities crystallized in one'sindividuality and evident even to one's own self-reasoning, that <strong>is</strong> tosay, a struggle with the crystallized habits unworthy for man even in h<strong>is</strong>own understanding in a period of repose, which contribute, first, to thear<strong>is</strong>ing in us of our inner 'Evil-God' and second, to the supporting andincreasing in us of its power and

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