GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

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<strong>is</strong>, one who has never consciously "worked on himself," has two worlds;and if he has worked on himself, and has become a so to say "candidatefor another life," he has even three worlds.In spite of the fact that everyone, without exception, will certainlythink that I have gone completely mad <strong>when</strong> they read the abovestatement, I shall nevertheless go on to develop the logicalconsequences of th<strong>is</strong> ultra-extravagant notion.If you <strong>real</strong>ly want to know the truth, I will tell you how matters stand,and why I pronounced such an absurdity.First of all, it must be said that in the outpourings of variousoccult<strong>is</strong>ts and other will-less parasites, <strong>when</strong> they d<strong>is</strong>cuss spiritualquestions, not everything <strong>is</strong> entirely wrong.What they call the "soul" does <strong>real</strong>ly ex<strong>is</strong>t, but not everybodynecessarily has one.A soul <strong>is</strong> not born with man and can neither unfold nor take form inhim so long as h<strong>is</strong> body <strong>is</strong> not fully developed.It <strong>is</strong> a luxury that can <strong>only</strong> appear and attain completion in the periodof "responsible age," that <strong>is</strong> to say, in a man's maturity.The soul, like the physical body, <strong>is</strong> also matter—<strong>only</strong>, it cons<strong>is</strong>ts of"finer" matter.The matter from which the soul <strong>is</strong> formed and from which it laternour<strong>is</strong>hes and perfects itself <strong>is</strong>, in general, elaborated during theprocesses that take place between the two essential forces upon whichthe entire Universe <strong>is</strong> founded.The matter in which the soul <strong>is</strong> coated can be produced exclusivelyby the action of these two forces, which are called "good" and "evil" byancient science, or "affirmation" and "negation," while contemporaryscience calls them "attraction" and "repulsion."In the common presence of a man, these two forces have their sourcein two of the totalities of general psychic functioning,

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