GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

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Th<strong>is</strong> principle, which <strong>is</strong> beyond scientific d<strong>is</strong>pute, I have defined inthe following terms:"The sharpness of the contradiction which appears between twodi<strong>am</strong>etrically opposed actions <strong>is</strong> directly proportional to the duration oftheir meeting."And, in truth, it <strong>is</strong> so. The more someone has direct relations withme, the more strength he shows later in the di<strong>am</strong>etrically opposedactions that he manifests towards me.And th<strong>is</strong> psycho-physical combination, which ar<strong>is</strong>es in the reciprocalrelations of people—although unbelievable at first sight—operates ingeneral in the simple manner which I <strong>am</strong> about to describe.First of all, you must know that throughout the entire Universe everyconcentration, to whatever species it belongs, has the property of givingoff radiations.Given that in man the formation of the three totalities of functioningof h<strong>is</strong> general psyche appears as an ar<strong>is</strong>ing of results <strong>is</strong>suing fromdiverse sources, each of these sources must itself also have the propertyof giving off radiations.Just as the radiation of every cosmic concentration cons<strong>is</strong>ts ofvibrations emitted by a corresponding source, so too the vibrations<strong>is</strong>suing from the processes of each of these quite d<strong>is</strong>tinct totalities offunctioning that make up the general psyche of man have a density anda degree of vivifyingness of their own.When there <strong>is</strong> a contact between the radiations of different cosmicconcentrations, blending of the vibrations takes place according to their"affinity"; similarly, <strong>when</strong> the vibrations given off by two people comein contact, blending occurs <strong>am</strong>ong those of the vibrations thatcorrespond to each other.In order to explain by analogy certain features of the radiations of aperson, I shall take as an ex<strong>am</strong>ple the radiations given off by our Earth.The general radiations of the Earth, the totality of which manifests asthe atmosphere, cons<strong>is</strong>t of three independent

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