GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

GURDJIEFF, G.I. – Life is real only then, when I am - Integral Book

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temporary development of the logical mentation of people of theirgrouping, which <strong>is</strong> considered in contemporary life everywhere onEarth as one of the most civilized.The various shades of complicated, fine and clever results ofmanifestation of th<strong>is</strong> "logical mentation" of theirs <strong>then</strong> bec<strong>am</strong>e <strong>real</strong>lyevident to all around them, and particularly to me, from the fact that,having received the news of the arrival soon of Mr. Orage himself onthe field of action, as he was already on h<strong>is</strong> way, they began to inventall kinds of "crafty" circumstances supposedly independent of them,and began to bring these "ideally well" invented circumstances of theirsto the attention of my poor secretary, and did th<strong>is</strong> moreover notthemselves but through others by telephone.All th<strong>is</strong> they did for the purpose of putting off their final dec<strong>is</strong>ionuntil the arrival of Mr. Orage, preparing thus at all events a respectablejustification for not signing the obligation at the proper time.Two days before the fourth general meeting of th<strong>is</strong> group reorganizedby me on new principles, Mr. Orage himself arrived finally in NewYork, already informed about everything that had taken place here inh<strong>is</strong> absence.On the very day of h<strong>is</strong> arrival, he requested through my secretary apersonal interview with me.I confess that I did not expect th<strong>is</strong> because, as it was known to me,many of the members of the group had written to him about all that hadhappened here and particularly, of course, about my reiterated not veryflattering opinion of him.At first, I wanted to answer to h<strong>is</strong> request that I could meet him withpleasure as an old friend, but on one express condition, that there wouldnot be any talk about all kinds of m<strong>is</strong>understandings nor of various newstatements I had made during h<strong>is</strong> absence in the presence of people whowere mem-

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