Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning


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1 | DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVESEnding <strong>of</strong> conflict which reopenedthe opportunities to make use <strong>of</strong> thefull potential <strong>of</strong> tourism <strong>and</strong> ease <strong>of</strong>doing business in the country wasalso a reason in declining poverty inthe country. It opened new avenues inthe construction industry, exp<strong>and</strong>edthe transport <strong>and</strong> communication<strong>and</strong> generated a significant number<strong>of</strong> direct <strong>and</strong> indirect employments.The value added growth agriculturesector <strong>and</strong> the significant increase infish production in <strong>2010</strong> has enhancedthe number <strong>of</strong> job opportunities in theinformal sector, finally resulting in theimprovement <strong>of</strong> living st<strong>and</strong>ards. Theenhanced number <strong>of</strong> job opportunitiesin the informal sector due to thevalue added growth in the agriculturesector <strong>and</strong> significant increase in fishproduction in <strong>2010</strong> also contributed tothe decline in poverty.Successfully carried out deminingoperations <strong>and</strong> resettlement taskalso largely contributed to this sharpdecline in poverty. The resettlementeffort was mainly carried out bytwo line ministries i.e., <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong>Resettlement <strong>and</strong> <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> EconomicDevelopment with the generoussupport <strong>of</strong> many internationalagencies. In <strong>2010</strong>, 53,159 families whowere resided in 04 relief villagerswere resettled in their originalplaces. The immediate relief <strong>and</strong>rehabilitation including the provision<strong>of</strong> family allowance <strong>and</strong> dry rationsfor each resettled families empoweredthem to develop their own housingarrangement as well as livelihooddevelopment programmes. The costincurred for this attempt in <strong>2010</strong>with the assistance <strong>of</strong> UNHCR was1.9 billion.Improved Health <strong>and</strong> NutritionImproved health <strong>and</strong> nutrition status <strong>of</strong>the population in <strong>2010</strong> also led to theincreased living st<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>of</strong> populationin the country.The provision <strong>of</strong> fresh milk worthRs.200 per month for children agedbetween 2 to 5 years <strong>and</strong> nutritionalfood package worth Rs 500 per monthfor expectant mothers in order toaddress the nutritional deficienciesintroduced in 2006 continued in <strong>2010</strong>benefitting around 112,000 pregnantmothers <strong>and</strong> children. Over 275,000mothers benefitted through the“Thriposha” programme at a cost <strong>of</strong>around Rs 870 million in <strong>2010</strong>. “MathataThitha” awareness campaign has helpedto reduce consumption <strong>of</strong> alcohol thuspromoting a healthier <strong>and</strong> productiveworkforce in addition to increaseAs a consequence <strong>of</strong> all thesemeasures the unemployment <strong>of</strong> thecountry fell to 4.9 percent in 2011 from7.5 percent in 2005.Enhanced Support <strong>and</strong> WelfareProgrammesThe government incomesupplementary programme <strong>and</strong> inkindsupport has also provided anadditional support to the vulnerablegroups to overcome their level <strong>of</strong>poverty. Welfare payments to supportthe vulnerable groups in societycontinued in <strong>2010</strong> with an enhancedcost. Under the Samurdhi Socialsecurity programme which is targetedto protect the poor families affectedfrom unexpected incidents, risks orprevention from drug abuse, around1.6 million families were benefited.In addition, the enhanced publicexpenditure to promote a caringsociety for elderly, h<strong>and</strong>icapped<strong>and</strong> victims <strong>of</strong> terrorisms has alsocontributed to reduce their griefenabling them to escape from poverty.In <strong>2010</strong>, around Rs. 67 billion was spentin providing public assistance, food,shelter, <strong>and</strong> physical aid componentsfor this segment.Table 1.64 > Combined Livelihood Initiatives <strong>2010</strong>ProgrammeExpenditure Rs. MnAgricultureDry zone Livelihood Support Project 576Api Wawamu Rata Nagamu Programme 455Economic DevelopmentSamurdhi <strong>and</strong> Gamanaguma Livelihood Development913ProgrammeFisheriesFisheries Community Strengthening 50Post Tsunami Livelihood Support Programme 655LivestockKirigammana Programme 83Livelihood <strong>and</strong> basic facilityImprovement in rural areas 191Small scale dairy farming improvement 804Traditional IndustriesCottage Industry Development 34Small Industrialist Development Programme 17IndustriesKantha Diriya Programme 12Source: Department <strong>of</strong> National Budget116

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