Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning


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2 | FISCAL DEVELOPMENT50 kg bag. The government incurredRs. 26,028 million in <strong>2010</strong> under thisprogramme.Public Investment 2The public investment programme,covering all the areas <strong>of</strong> the economy,continued its accelerated pace in <strong>2010</strong>.The development challenges the countryhad to face in <strong>2010</strong> were tw<strong>of</strong>old.- Firstly, continuation <strong>of</strong>the medium to long-termreconstruction strategy <strong>of</strong> theareas affected by the terroristinsurgency.- Secondly, successful completion<strong>of</strong> the massive infrastructuredevelopment initiative that hasbeen strategically identified whileimplementing regional <strong>and</strong> ruraldevelopment projects.The government achieved asignificant progress in terms <strong>of</strong>implementing the post insurgencyrecovery programme in <strong>2010</strong>.Reconstruction <strong>and</strong> rehabilitation<strong>of</strong> the basic economic <strong>and</strong> socialinfrastructure such as roads,electricity, schools, hospitals, courthouses, administrative facilities, policeposts, drinking water, irrigation <strong>and</strong>livelihood programmes were carriedout to bring the day to day life <strong>of</strong>affected areas back in to normalas work towards the realization <strong>of</strong>a ‘mine threat free’ Sri Lanka <strong>and</strong>complete resettlement <strong>of</strong> internallydisplaced persons (IDPs) werethe critical targets. Accordingly,a significant progress was madein the de-mining programme. Thegovernment was able to resettle277,351 IDPs while about 17,785displaced persons remained in thewelfare centers by April 2011. Inparallel to these, a massive mediumto long-term reconstructionprogramme was commenced toeconomically transform the areasaffected by the insurgency.Meanwhile, other infrastructuredevelopment initiatives were alsocarried out giving the priority tocontinuing ongoing developmentprojects. In <strong>2010</strong>, the countrywitnessed a steady progress in theconstruction <strong>of</strong> power plants, sea& airports, expressways, the roadnetwork & bridges, new irrigationschemes, large scale water supplyprojects, schools, universities,hospitals, stadiums, conventioncentres <strong>and</strong> several otherinfrastructure investments initiatedunder the ‘R<strong>and</strong>ora’ programme.The expenditure on publicinvestment programme in <strong>2010</strong> wasRs. 356.5 billion.Chart 2.11 > Public Investment400350300Rs. billion25020015010050020052006200720082009<strong>2010</strong>2For a detailed analysis on public investment, please refer to Chapter 1 <strong>of</strong> this publication.160

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