Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning


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<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Finance</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Planning</strong> Sri Lanka > <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong>All Share Price Index (ASPI) <strong>of</strong>Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) roseby 96 percent to 6,635.9 points in <strong>2010</strong>from 3,385.5 in 2009 whilst the marketprices had appreciated by 96 percent.Subsequently, Milanka Price Index(MPI) <strong>of</strong> CSE rose by 83.4 percentfrom 3,849.3 points in 2009 to 7,061points in <strong>2010</strong>.The CSE’s equity turnover, whichwas at Rs.142.4 billion in 2009 roseto Rs.570.3 billion in <strong>2010</strong>, increasingmarket’s daily average turnover toRs.2.39 billion in <strong>2010</strong> compared toRs.593.5 million in 2009, resultingin an increase in the total number <strong>of</strong>transactions to 3.35 million, from 1.26million in 2009. Colombo Bourse hadraised to total <strong>of</strong> Rs.4.3 billion in <strong>2010</strong>against Rs.1.2 billion in 2009.Market capitalization had doubledfrom Rs.1 trillion to Rs.2.2 trillion withina year adding a total <strong>of</strong> Rs.26.3 billionforeign cash inflows in <strong>2010</strong> comparedto Rs.789 million foreign cash inflowin 2009. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, CSE’sdividend yield had fallen from 3percent in 2009 to 1.2 percent in <strong>2010</strong>.However, foreign investor contributionto total turnover had decreased to18.8 percent in <strong>2010</strong> from 30.5 percentin 2009 whilst the number <strong>of</strong> listedcompanies had increased to 241 in <strong>2010</strong>from 231 in the previous year 2009.Proposed ‘demutualization <strong>of</strong> CSE’is expected to make the CSE moredynamic <strong>and</strong> efficient <strong>and</strong> will increasethe confidence <strong>of</strong> the foreign investorsas well as the local investors in the SriLankan capital market.The Securities <strong>and</strong> ExchangeCommission (SEC) endeavors toincrease the Colombo Bourse marketcapitalisation by 45 percent during theyear 2011. They foresee approx 75 IPO’sduring the year 2011.Private Sector DevelopmentThe government expects the privatesector to play a transformative role indoubling per capita GDP by 2016. Thiswould require private sector to invest25 - 30 percent <strong>of</strong> GDP annually.The incentives for private sectorinvestments will shift from overdependenceon tax <strong>and</strong> dutyconcessions, to genuine businessopportunities that will emerge <strong>and</strong>evolve in an environment <strong>of</strong> peace,availability <strong>of</strong> quality infrastructure,stable financial environment <strong>and</strong> theoptimisation <strong>of</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> skilledworkforce.Using this conducive environment theincremental investment, to meet thegrowth targets would have to originatefrom the private sector, domestic <strong>and</strong>foreign.The conducive business environmentcoupled with political stability <strong>and</strong>positive economic outlook, thatprevailed in the country has raised thebusiness sentiments <strong>and</strong> the corporateearnings <strong>of</strong> Sri Lankan firms, despitethe slow global economic recovery.The percentage share <strong>of</strong> the threemajor sectors, namely the Agriculture,Industry <strong>and</strong> Services to the total GDPconstituted 11.9 percent, 28.8 percent<strong>and</strong> 59.3 percent respectively in <strong>2010</strong>.Agriculture SectorThe growth rate <strong>of</strong> the Tea sectoris registered as 13.1 percent incomparison to 2009. The favorableweather conditions during the periodfrom January to September in <strong>2010</strong>had supported this growth. Exportvalue <strong>of</strong> the Tea sector in <strong>2010</strong> was Rs.81,840 million.The value added <strong>of</strong> Rubberproduction grew by 12.7 percent in<strong>2010</strong>, compared to 2009. The majorreason for this growth was due to theincrease in average price <strong>of</strong> Rubber(at Colombo auction) which rose toRs.397.70 per Kg in <strong>2010</strong> from 201.66per Kg in 2009 registering a 97.2percent price increase.The agriculture sector growth wasfurther fuelled by increase in paddy<strong>and</strong> fish production with the opening<strong>of</strong> the North <strong>and</strong> East to the rest <strong>of</strong>the economy. The growth rate <strong>of</strong> MinorExport Crops was 37.6 percent, Paddy17.5 percent, Fishing 12.2 percentcompared to 2009.Export value <strong>of</strong> the ProcessedFood <strong>and</strong> Spice Sector in <strong>2010</strong> wasRs.5,960 million <strong>and</strong> Rs.10,541 millionrespectively.Other Food crops (highl<strong>and</strong> crops,vegetables <strong>and</strong> Fruits) have recordeda growth <strong>of</strong> 4.4 percent in <strong>2010</strong> <strong>and</strong>earnings grew by 12 percent YoY inthe 4th quarter <strong>of</strong> <strong>2010</strong>. (The growthwas due to the improved earnings <strong>of</strong>Ceylon Tobacco, Nestle Lanka <strong>and</strong>Ceylon Tea Services).Poultry sector also sustained theirgrowth rate benefitting from theincreased chicken consumption in thecountry.Industry SectorIndustry sector grew by 8.4 percentin <strong>2010</strong>. Manufacturing which is thelargest sub sector <strong>of</strong> the industrysector grew by 7.3 percent in <strong>2010</strong>.Industry sector performance wasaffected by the rising production125

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