Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning


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6 | DEVELOPMENT FINANCETable 6.12 > Performance <strong>of</strong> Agro Livestock Development Loan Scheme, 2008 - <strong>2010</strong>Small Farmer BorrowersInvestors in Private SectorProvinceNo. <strong>of</strong> Loans Granted<strong>2010</strong>Total up toDec. <strong>2010</strong>Amount Released(Rs. Mn)<strong>2010</strong>Total up toDec. <strong>2010</strong>No. <strong>of</strong> Loans Granted<strong>2010</strong>Total up toDec. <strong>2010</strong>Amount Released(Rs. Mn)<strong>2010</strong>Total upto Dec.<strong>2010</strong>Western 351 745 40.79 92.44 3 15 12.5 374.94Central 1,216 2136 150.87 221.64 2 28 1.05 34.9Eastern 213 728 33.01 95.67 8 71 6.65 14.28North Central 190 806 24.44 83.76 1 14 3.5 5.12North Western 894 2,613 84.57 233.19 0 73 0 9.37Northern 67 405 12.4 44.09 0 1 0 10Sabaragamuwa 114 323 13.46 38.69 0 16 0 3.11Southern 151 395 27.6 57.07 1 9 0.55 5.28Uva 222 700 30.1 66.79 1 24 0.4 2.86Total 3,418 8,851 417.24 933.34 16 251 24.65 459.86Source: Department <strong>of</strong> Regional Development, Central Bank <strong>of</strong> Sri LankaNew Comprehensive Rural CreditScheme (NCRCS)In order to enhance the agricultureproduction <strong>and</strong> to uplift cultivation,New Comprehensive Rural CreditScheme (NCRCS - Sarusara), wascontinued in <strong>2010</strong> in collaborationwith the Central Bank <strong>of</strong> Sri Lankaby providing an interest subsidy, forthe farmers to cultivate paddy <strong>and</strong>other subsidiary crops. Production<strong>of</strong> seeds <strong>and</strong> planting material on acommercial scale <strong>and</strong> purchase <strong>of</strong>agricultural produce by private traders<strong>and</strong> companies under Forward SalesContract (FSC) system are the othereligible activities under this scheme.During <strong>2010</strong>, the Treasury grantedRs. 516.8 million <strong>of</strong> interest subsidyto Participatory Financial Institutions(PFIs) for loans advanced by them out<strong>of</strong> their own funds under this scheme.The Government provided the interestsubsidy at 6 percent per annum forcultivation loans <strong>and</strong> 2 percent perannum for purchasing loans to thePFIs.The maximum limit for the cultivationloans granted under NCRCS fordifferent crops varies from Rs.8,000/- to Rs. 140,000/- per acre,where as the loans are granted forl<strong>and</strong> areas ranging from 0.125 to 10.0acres. The maximum loan amountfor seed farming, nurseries <strong>and</strong>planting materials is Rs. 5 million.A maximum loan amount <strong>of</strong> Rs. 50million is provided for the purchase <strong>of</strong>agricultural commodities under FSCs.However, the maximum loan limitfor buyers with good track recordsextends up to Rs. 300 million underpurchasing loans.Under post war conditions, theawakening <strong>of</strong> the agriculture sectorhas made a direct impact on thisscheme with high dem<strong>and</strong> forcultivation loans. When compared with2009, the total amount released undercultivation loans in <strong>2010</strong> has increasedby 22.7 percent. Subsequently, thetotal cultivated l<strong>and</strong> area <strong>and</strong> totalnumber <strong>of</strong> beneficiaries have increasedby 18.2 percent <strong>and</strong> 15.5 percent,respectively (Table 6.13).During <strong>2010</strong>, Rs. 3,584 million wasdisbursed among 72,014 farmersunder cultivation loans <strong>and</strong> Rs. 7,238million was disbursed among 1,031paddy collectors under purchasingloans. 64,412 farmers were benefitedthrough FSCs under purchasing loansgranted in this year. The highestnumber, i.e. 15,921 <strong>of</strong> cultivation loanshas been granted in PolonnaruwaDistrict followed by Anuradhapura<strong>and</strong> Hambantota Districts providing15,904 <strong>and</strong> 10,321 loans respectively. Interms <strong>of</strong> the amount disbursed undercultivation loans, Polonnaruwa Districtleads providing Rs. 728 million followed304

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