Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning


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<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Finance</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Planning</strong> Sri Lanka > <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong>by about 7 percent to Rs. 91 billionreflecting the full impact <strong>of</strong> around21,000 retirees in 2009 <strong>and</strong> the partialimpact <strong>of</strong> 16,366 new retirees in<strong>2010</strong>. The decline in defence relatedprocurement also helped the reduction<strong>of</strong> recurrent expenditure. Accordingly,the non interest recurrent expendituredeclined to 10.4 percent in <strong>2010</strong> from11.8 percent in 2009.Public InvestmentPublic investment, which was at 6.4percent <strong>of</strong> GDP in <strong>2010</strong>, reflectedthe sustained effort to maintain suchinvestment over 6 percent <strong>of</strong> GDPduring the post 2005 period despitemany challenges faced in fiscalmanagement. Accordingly, both megainfrastructure development projectsat national level <strong>and</strong> the development<strong>of</strong> infrastructure in the emergingregions were continued at a higherpace. This reflected a high level <strong>of</strong>commitment <strong>of</strong> the government inresolving infrastructure bottlenecks inthe country to facilitate private sectorinvestment to achieve a sustainablehigh economic growth <strong>and</strong> reduceeconomic disparity among the regions.The public investment programmeincluded the development <strong>of</strong> roads,highways, bridges, ports, airports,irrigation, water supply & sanitation,power generation as well as ruralinfrastructure development projectsgiving priority to several accessroads, electricity distribution network,community water supply <strong>and</strong> minorirrigations. In particular, the completion<strong>of</strong> the phase I <strong>of</strong> the Hambantota PortDevelopment Project in November <strong>2010</strong>,commissioning <strong>of</strong> the Norochcholai CoalPower Plant in March 2011, as well asthe Southern Highway Project <strong>and</strong> 150MW Upper Kothmale Hydro Power PlantProject which are to be commissionedin the middle <strong>of</strong> 2011, are importantmilestones in the public investmentprogramme.Budget DeficitThe budget deficit <strong>of</strong> Rs. 446 billionin <strong>2010</strong> was financed through bothdomestic <strong>and</strong> foreign funds. Theimportant feature <strong>of</strong> the domesticfinancing front was the net repayment<strong>of</strong> Rs. 1.9 billion made by thegovernment to the banking systemcompared to the net borrowing <strong>of</strong> Rs.49 billion in 2009 from the bankingsystem. This helped the banking systemto accommodate the growing dem<strong>and</strong>for credit from the private sector.Government DebtThe government debt to GDP ratioresumed its declining trend in <strong>2010</strong>from the high level <strong>of</strong> 105.6 percentrecorded in 2002 thereby correctingthe aberration experienced in 2009.Accordingly, the debt to GDP ratiodeclined to 81.9 percent in <strong>2010</strong>reflecting both the containment <strong>of</strong> thebudget deficit at 8 percent <strong>of</strong> GDP aswell as the higher nominal growth inGDP. This was mainly reflected in theoutst<strong>and</strong>ing domestic debt, whichdeclined to 45.8 percent <strong>of</strong> GDP from49.8 percent in the previous year. Ofthe total domestic debt, about 76percent was with medium to long termmaturity periods. About 63 percent <strong>of</strong>the outst<strong>and</strong>ing government foreigndebt was on concessional terms <strong>and</strong>conditions.Medium Term DirectionThe government is committed tostrengthen the fiscal consolidationprocess further in the medium term.As announced in the 2011 Budgetspeech <strong>and</strong> accompanied reportunder the Fiscal Management(Responsibility) Act (FMRA), thegovernment is committed to restoredeficit plans by reducing the deficitto 5 percent by 2012 through thegeneration <strong>of</strong> a revenue surplus. Thebudget 2011 includes far reachingtax policy reforms to improve thefiscal performance to strengthen themacroeconomic stability towardsachieving a high <strong>and</strong> sustainableeconomic growth in the medium-term,based on the policies <strong>and</strong> strategies inthe development policy framework <strong>of</strong>the government.Tax Reforms inBudget 2011Budget 2011, presented in November<strong>2010</strong>, includes major reform initiativesto correct the long felt deficienciesin the country’s tax system. Theongoing reforms have been designedto address the fundamental changestowards a simple <strong>and</strong> broad-basedtax system. They are based on anextensive consultative process amongthe stakeholders <strong>and</strong> broad guidelines<strong>of</strong> the Presidential Commission onTaxation.The tax reforms are beingimplemented with a comprehensivemedium-term view <strong>of</strong> having a simpleVAT/Nation Building Tax with a widerbase; well-focused excise tax system;customs duties, Cess <strong>and</strong> SpecialCommodity Levy for local economysafeguards <strong>and</strong> consumer protection;simple personal income tax systemcomparable with the region; efficienttax administration process based oncompliance promotion <strong>and</strong> targetedtaxes to avoid complexities in VATrefunds. The new system also includesa committee for the interpretation<strong>of</strong> the laws at the Department <strong>of</strong>Inl<strong>and</strong> Revenue, Independent TaxAppeal Commission headed by aretired Supreme Court Judge <strong>and</strong> anInvestment Fund Account which iscreated by using the 8 percent savingsfrom the VAT on financial services<strong>and</strong> 5 percent <strong>of</strong> the reduction <strong>of</strong> themaximum corporate income tax ratefor the provision <strong>of</strong> medium to longtermloans for agriculture, industry<strong>and</strong> SME related activities.147

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