Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning


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<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Finance</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Planning</strong> Sri Lanka > <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong>Table 4.20 > Operational HighlightsYear 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 <strong>2010</strong>International flights movements (Nos) 33,080 33,189 33,395 31,764 28,624 34,092Passenger Movements (Nos) 4.3 4.7 4.9 4.6 4.2 5.2Cargo Movements (MT) 160,122 170,907 163,570 151,952 138,067 167,130Source: Airport <strong>and</strong> Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) LtdService SectorSOEs are engaged in providingkey services <strong>of</strong> the economy suchas ground <strong>and</strong> air transport (SLTB<strong>and</strong> SLA) energy (CPC), UrbanDevelopment (UDA) etc. Many <strong>of</strong>these SOEs incurred heavy losses dueto non reflection <strong>of</strong> total costs in itspricing.Ceylon PetroleumCorporation (CPC)Despite global oil prices increasingon average by almost 28 percentsince December 2009, domesticretail prices <strong>of</strong> petroleum productsremained unchanged throughout<strong>2010</strong>. In the backdrop <strong>of</strong> highinternational prices, the governmentremoved certain taxes applicableon petroleum products with a viewto reducing the cost <strong>of</strong> production.Import duty on Petrol <strong>and</strong> Dieselwas completely removed on the 19th<strong>of</strong> January <strong>2010</strong> from Rs. 35/l <strong>and</strong>Rs. 15/l respectively, which resultedin a revenue loss <strong>of</strong> almost Rs.20,000 million to the government.Despite this indirect subsidy bythe government, CPC incurred aloss <strong>of</strong> Rs. 26,922 million in <strong>2010</strong>against the loss <strong>of</strong> Rs. 12,324 million<strong>of</strong> 2009, a decline in the financialperformance <strong>of</strong> 49 percent. CPCincurred a loss <strong>of</strong> Rs. 20,074 millionthrough the sale <strong>of</strong> heavy fuel to theCEB <strong>and</strong> IPPs 10 at subsidized prices.Implementing government policy tomeet the energy needs <strong>of</strong> the lowincome segment, Kerosene was soldat the subsidized price <strong>of</strong> Rs. 53/lincurring a loss <strong>of</strong> about Rs. 10,236million.However the lack <strong>of</strong> a clear strategy tooperate in the market, low productiveuse <strong>of</strong> employees, weak financial<strong>and</strong> operational management <strong>and</strong>non optimal utilization <strong>of</strong> resourceshas contributed significantly to thedeterioration <strong>of</strong> the performance<strong>of</strong> CPC, negating the effect <strong>of</strong>government assistance. This is evidentas there is only a marginal differencebetween the cost <strong>of</strong> fuel producedat the CPC refinery <strong>and</strong> the cost <strong>of</strong>refined products imported.CPC faced liquidity constraints dueto the non payment <strong>of</strong> dues mainlyfrom CEB amounting to Rs.46 billionat the end <strong>of</strong> 2009.The governmenthas issued guarantees amounting toRs. 80,500 million facilitating CPC’sability to access funding from externalsources.In <strong>2010</strong> CPC experienced a change inthe structural composition <strong>of</strong> imports.On average <strong>of</strong> the total imports,crude oil consisted 55 percent<strong>and</strong> refined products 45 percent.However in <strong>2010</strong> there was a reversal<strong>of</strong> this composition with refinedproducts consisting 55 percent <strong>and</strong>crude oil consisting 45 percent <strong>of</strong>total imports. This is mainly dueto the increase in dem<strong>and</strong> for fueloil from the power sector <strong>and</strong> theshutdown <strong>of</strong> the refinery for a period<strong>of</strong> 2 months for regular repairs <strong>and</strong>maintenance. CPC has diversifiedits business by initiating exports <strong>of</strong>Naphtha <strong>and</strong> Aviation Fuel during<strong>2010</strong>.CPC, one <strong>of</strong> the largest SOEs in thecountry, is also the single largestimporter at USD 3019 millionconstituting almost 6 percent <strong>of</strong>the GDP <strong>and</strong> 22 percent <strong>of</strong> the totalimports in <strong>2010</strong>. With the economygrowing rapidly, it is expected thatthere will be simultaneous growthin the dem<strong>and</strong> for energy in thecountry. However if CPC is to meetthis challenge successfully it needsto undertake a due diligence exerciseon its operations <strong>and</strong> implement astrategy to facilitate an extensivecapital investment plan within thenext five years that will increase itscapacity <strong>and</strong> operational efficiencies.10Sale price <strong>of</strong> Heavy fuel to CEB <strong>and</strong> IPP -January –August <strong>2010</strong> at Rs.25/l <strong>and</strong>September to December <strong>2010</strong> at Rs.40/l,while the average cost was between Rs.50-65/l223

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