Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning


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1 | DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVESThe increased investment on roadsector has been distributed at all levels<strong>of</strong> government i.e. National, Provincial<strong>and</strong> Local levels to establish necessaryconnectivity in urban <strong>and</strong> ruraltransportation.The share <strong>of</strong> investment on localroads has increased from 4 percent <strong>of</strong>total road investments in 2005 to 15percent in <strong>2010</strong> due to the upgrading<strong>of</strong> rural roads under Maga Neguma<strong>and</strong> Gama Neguma Programmes.During the last six year period,approximately Rs. 43 billion has beenspent on provincial road developmentwhich was 9 percent <strong>of</strong> the total roadsector investment. During 2005 –<strong>2010</strong>, investment in national roadshas raised from Rs. 13 billion to Rs. 82billion. In <strong>2010</strong>, 76 percent <strong>of</strong> the totalinvestment on road sector has beenutilized for national road development.Improvement <strong>of</strong> the ExistingNational RoadsNational roads are less than 12 percent<strong>of</strong> the entire road network <strong>of</strong> thecountry but they carry about 80percent <strong>of</strong> the country’s traffic. Thelength <strong>of</strong> the total road network hasnot been growing adequately to meetthe dem<strong>and</strong> for speedy <strong>and</strong> efficienttransportation <strong>of</strong> passengers <strong>and</strong>goods.Therefore, since 2005, a massiveinvestment plan, which includeslong term foreign financing for theimprovement <strong>of</strong> existing inter regionaltrunk roads <strong>and</strong> construction <strong>of</strong>expressways has been implemented.Within the next five year period, agrid-shaped trunk road network willbe developed between the Provincial/Regional capitals while maintainingthe 60 percent <strong>of</strong> the national roadnetwork at a good condition. During2005 – <strong>2010</strong>, around 2,900km <strong>of</strong>Table 1.13 > Structure <strong>of</strong> Roads/Traffic DistributionRoads Maintained byLength(km)As a % <strong>of</strong>TotalTrafficCarried(%)Road Development Authority 11,922 10.6 75.0Provincial Councils 15,743 14.0 15.0Local Authorities 80,600 71.4 10.0Other State Agencies 4,500 4.0Total 112,765 100.0 100.0Source:Department <strong>of</strong> National Budget, <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ports <strong>and</strong> Highwaysnational roads have been improvedat a cost <strong>of</strong> Rs. 48,950 million. Thelist <strong>of</strong> improved segments <strong>of</strong> the corenational roads is given in Table 1.14.Efforts are being made to bringaround 59 percent <strong>of</strong> the existingnational road network from singleor intermediate lane to multiple lanest<strong>and</strong>ards. Approximately 2,315km <strong>of</strong>roads were widened to multiple lanest<strong>and</strong>ards with heavy compensationpayment involved for l<strong>and</strong> acquisition.The lane width will be increased inanother 2,556km <strong>of</strong> roads to caterto the growing traffic dem<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> amiddle income country. In order tominimize the l<strong>and</strong> acquisition cost dueto widening <strong>of</strong> road sections in majorPannipitiya have been constructedin Colombo City <strong>and</strong> suburbanareas. Six ferries have been replacedwith new bridges in the Eastern<strong>and</strong> Western Provinces making thepassenger <strong>and</strong> goods transportationmore efficient, to boost the localeconomic activities. During thisperiod, a total <strong>of</strong> around 375 bridgeshave been constructed while 116bridges are being constructed.Investment on construction <strong>of</strong>bridges <strong>and</strong> flyovers has increasedfrom Rs. 323 million in 2005 to Rs.3,722 million in <strong>2010</strong>. The details<strong>of</strong> the development <strong>of</strong> bridges <strong>and</strong>flyovers undertaken are given in thepage 56.towns to reduce traffic congestion,by-passes <strong>and</strong> under passes areconstructed in many urban areas.The improvement programme, whichwas predominately implementedusing domestic resources, has beenincreased from Rs. 2.5 billion in 2005to Rs. 8.9 billion in <strong>2010</strong>.Outer circular roads are beingconstructed in growth centres suchas Trincomalee, K<strong>and</strong>y, Anuradhapura<strong>and</strong> Kurunegala to support businessactivities. Further, in order tostimulate economic <strong>and</strong> socialprosperity to emerge with peace inthe North <strong>and</strong> East, many nationalGreater attention has been drawn toease the traffic congestion at majorjunctions by construction <strong>of</strong> flyovers,<strong>and</strong> reconstruction <strong>of</strong> narrow<strong>and</strong> weak bridges with new ones.During the 2005 - <strong>2010</strong> period, fivemajor flyovers at Kelaniya, Nugegoda,Dehiwela, Orugodawatta, <strong>and</strong>highways <strong>and</strong> major bridges arecurrently being reconstructed <strong>and</strong>core national roads <strong>and</strong> bridgeswill be improved within the nextfive year period. Financing for theconstruction <strong>of</strong> 512km roads in theNorth has been raised from bilateral<strong>and</strong> multilateral agencies in <strong>2010</strong>.52

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