Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning

Annual Report 2010 - Ministry of Finance and Planning


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3 | REFORM INITIATIVESPublication <strong>of</strong> GuidesA Guide for Treasury Representatives (July <strong>2010</strong>)A Guide for Chairmen <strong>and</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>of</strong> Public Enterprises (October <strong>2010</strong>)These two guides were published toprovide an overview <strong>of</strong> the uniquecatalytic role played by the Chairmen<strong>and</strong> Directors <strong>of</strong> Boards <strong>of</strong> PublicEnterprises, including TreasuryRepresentatives - who are the drivers<strong>of</strong> the Public Enterprises.The contents inter alia emphasize thefollowing;• The intention <strong>of</strong> the publications isto empower <strong>and</strong> guide Chairmen,Board Members <strong>and</strong> Treasuryrepresentatives serving in Boards<strong>of</strong> Public Enterprise, inter aliain relation to their duties <strong>and</strong>responsibilities.• The guides set out in brief, thelegal <strong>and</strong> regulatory frameworkgoverning Public Enterprises <strong>and</strong>the legal provisions governingthe appointment <strong>of</strong> Secretaries toMinistries <strong>and</strong> Boards <strong>of</strong> Directors<strong>of</strong> such Enterprises.• Public enterprises are establishedwith specific objectives. Someare established to satisfy widercommercial, economic <strong>and</strong> socialgoals, some to achieve commercialor social goals, while others arerequired to achieve both commercial<strong>and</strong> social goals. These enterprisesare expected to combine businessautonomy with public accountability.The Government has recognizedthat, as much as private enterprises,the public enterprises are alsoimportant for the socio economicdevelopment <strong>of</strong> the country <strong>and</strong> inmany instances Public Enterpriseslead development in a competitiveenvironment by adding marketcompetition when it is distorted bymarket imperfections.• The overall FinancialManagement in the public sectorincluding Public Enterprisesfalls within the purview <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Finance</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Planning</strong>.• The Treasury <strong>of</strong>ficial has a specialresponsibility to guide the Board<strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>and</strong> ensure thatthere is sufficient interfacingamong all stakeholders.• Chairmen <strong>and</strong> the Boards <strong>of</strong>Public Enterprises should ensurethat they work in consultationwith the Secretary to therelevant line ministry, who isentrusted with supervisorypowers.• Public Enterprises essentiallycontribute towards infrastructuredevelopment <strong>and</strong> in the provision<strong>of</strong> services. Some <strong>of</strong> the PublicEnterprises are dominant playersin the banking <strong>and</strong> financialservice industry who are alsotrend setters in that sector. Someare in other important areassuch as education, health <strong>and</strong>social security while others arepredominant service providers inagriculture industry, engineering,construction, trade etc. Theexpenditure <strong>of</strong> such enterprisesmust therefore be justifiable,<strong>and</strong> be spent within the overallGovernment vision <strong>and</strong> thePublic investment strategy.• Several state Enterprises areestablished under statutes <strong>and</strong>as such their performance shouldbe carried out in compliancewith such statutory requirementssubject to the provisions <strong>of</strong> otherlaws as applicable.• There is an urgent need toensure best practices relating toCorporate Governance. Henceit should be noted that whileCorporate Governance practicesintroduced by the Central Bank <strong>of</strong>Sri Lanka require state banks toadopt <strong>and</strong> follow such practices,Public enterprises are required t<strong>of</strong>ollow guidelines published by theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Public Enterprises.• Attention is drawn to theprovisions In relation to the role<strong>of</strong> the Auditor General, <strong>and</strong> theCommittee on Public Enterprise(COPE) that carries out oversightfunctions, as more fully explainedin the publications.• Attention is also drawn to theprovisions <strong>of</strong> the Companies ActNo.7 <strong>of</strong> 2007 on the Rights <strong>of</strong>the Government, Solvency Test,Serious Loss <strong>of</strong> Capital, Duties <strong>of</strong>Directors, Interests <strong>of</strong> Directorsin Transactions, AccountingRecords, Group FinancialStatements, <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>and</strong> itscontents, <strong>and</strong> provisions relatingto Subsidiaries <strong>of</strong> a Company,as more fully explained in thePublications.• Attention is also drawn to thekey provisions <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Finance</strong>Act No.38 <strong>of</strong> 1971 such asFinancial Obligations <strong>of</strong> a PublicCorporation, Preparation <strong>of</strong>Budgets <strong>of</strong> Public Corporations,Appropriation <strong>of</strong> Net SurplusRevenue, Investment <strong>of</strong> Moneys<strong>of</strong> a Public Corporation <strong>and</strong>Rendering <strong>of</strong> Accounts <strong>and</strong> Auditin relation to Financial Control <strong>of</strong>Public Corporations, as also morefully explained in the publications.196

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